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  • Ow Bist - Forest Community Space | Mysite

    welcoming & vibrant community hub - for hire To date we have transformed the building's exterior with wooden cladding, resprayed windows and doors, and a new sign. Inside, we have created of a flexible training and events space , along with permanent office space for support agencies and community organisations. Thanks to funding from Cinderford Town Council, Ow Bist now features a Changing Places toilet to ensure accessibility for the entire community. Since taking on the 25 year lease of the former Dockham Road GP surgery, we have been working at a pace to create a welcoming and vibrant community hub that offers wrap-around support and improves access to community services. The whole team loved the space you have at Ow Bist, but also really valued the partnership approach. Hirer at Ow Bist What to find out more? Interested in hiring the space? Contact us at or 01594 822073

  • Forest Know your Patch | Mysite

    社区连接器论坛 - 了解您的补丁网络 Supporting Strong and Thriving Communities with Know Your Patch 通过了解您的补丁支持强大而繁荣的社区 社区连接器论坛 (CCF) 的“了解您的补丁”部分以创造更好的工作方式的方式连接志愿和社区部门、法定服务和当地居民。 院长森林知道你的补丁网络旨在以一种创造更好的工作方式,最终加强我们的社区的方式连接志愿和社区部门、法定服务和当地居民。这种“社区服务”对于预防或延缓健康需求的升级尤为重要。 我们在迪恩森林举办季度活动,我们邀请利益相关者参与讨论,讨论他们社区中的重要事项以及服务和志愿部门团体如何帮助支持这一点。每个“了解您的补丁”活动都是免费的,并且对任何想要参与对话的人开放。如果您想参加,请致电 01594 822073 或发送电子邮件至 。 我们还定期向我们的 Know Your Patch Network 发送电子邮件和更新,了解迪恩森林中正在发生的事情。如果你想加入这个网络,请订阅 在这里 。 感谢来自 格洛斯特郡议会 , Know Your Patch 也可在格洛斯特郡的每个其他区使用。如果您想了解更多关于这些的信息,请访问 在这里 。 以下是一些强调我们想法的研究: “我们都可以在帮助个人和社区发展社会资本方面发挥作用。人们越来越认识到,尽管弱势社会群体和社区有一系列复杂且相互关联的需求,但他们在社会和社区层面也有资产这有助于改善健康,增强对健康问题的适应能力”(国王基金,2018 年) “与社会关系不佳的人相比,那些拥有适当社会关系的人的存活率要高出 50%”(Holt-Lunstad 等人,2010 年) “社交网络已被证明与常见的生活方式和临床风险(如适度吸烟、过度饮酒、肥胖和高胆固醇和血压)一样是死亡率的有力预测因素”(Pantell 等人,2013 年;Holt-Lunstad 等人,2010 年) . “社会支持对于增强复原力和促进疾病康复尤为重要”(Pevalin 和 Rose,2003 年) “缺乏社交网络和支持使得随着时间的推移自我调节行为和建立意志力和复原力变得更加困难,导致参与不健康的行为”(Cacioppo 和 Patrick 2009)。 “社区参与减少了孤立、排斥和孤独”(Farrell 和 Bryant 2009;Sevigny 等人 2010;Ryan-Collins 等人 2008) “强大的社会资本可以提高避免吸烟等生活方式风险的机会”(Folland 2008;Brown 等人,2006)

  • Volunteering | Mysite

    志愿服务 作为院长森林的志愿者中心,我们在这里帮助您招募和管理志愿者 我们的新志愿服务 充满细节的小册子 当地志愿服务 现在机会已经出来了 点击下载 或在您当地的图书馆或社区中心领取一份副本 作为志愿者中心 院长之森 我们通常是任何对志愿服务感兴趣的人的第一联系人。去年,我们很自豪能够在该地区支持超过 100,000 小时的志愿服务! FVAF 推广和宣传各种组织的志愿服务机会,这些组织与我们一样支持志愿者并认识到人们选择志愿服务的广泛原因。 为什么是志愿者? 志愿服务有许多巨大的好处,不仅对您个人,而且对您的社区和我们生活的世界都有好处。 如果您想提高您的简历、结识新朋友、充分利用您的技能、学习新事物、追求兴趣、提供经验或只是想有所作为,我们保证为您提供机会! 您可以通过以下方式了解这些机会: 搜索机会 致电我们 01594 822073 联系方式 电子邮件 周一至周五 9:00 - 1:00 来 FVAF 拜访我们(方向 ) 如果您希望成为大型团体的一员,例如作为企业志愿服务的一部分,那么我们也有很多机会可供选择。 Get the latest volunteer opportunities - direct to your mailbox! Sign up to receive our regular email Volunteer Newsletter: SIGN UP HELP FOR GROUPS - recruiting & managing volunteers 作为所有志愿服务的一站式商店,我们使用多方面的方法为您提供招募和留住有价值志愿者的最佳机会。 这包括以下内容: 在 上宣传您的机会 向我们推荐的公众或通过我们的投递功能宣传您的机会。 在我们的 Facebook 和 Twitter 页面上宣传您的机会 向支持志愿服务的当地服务机构宣传您的机会,例如。就业中心、LearnDirect 和 2GetherTrust 每年在 30 多个活动中宣传您的机会 将您的机会发送给提供雇主支持的志愿服务的当地企业 向学校、学院和大学推广相关机会 将您的机会分发到我们超过 1,000 人的志愿者数据库 将您的机会推广到各种网络,包括了解您的补丁 As a one-stop-shop for all things volunteering, we can help you find, and keep, the perfect volunteer: Get in touch - call us on 01594 822073, via email or visit us at FVAF, Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road, Cinderford GL14 2AN (Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm)

  • Publications | Mysite

    Our publications Forest Compass Edition 3 Volunteering in the Forest of Dean FVAF Annual Report 2022/23 FVAF Annual Report 2021/22 Insights into the Experience of commissioning for small VCSE organisations in the Forest of Dean By Chris Brown My Networks publications My Networks Scoping Project Report, Oct 2022 by Simon Price Supporting documents: Mental Health Scoping Project – Survey Results Co-production – How we facilitated My Networks Scoping Report Useful community publications The Digital Divides Report and Recommendations By Digital Divides Steering Group Learnings from the Forest By Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership (FODCAP), Holding The Space, Thirty Percy, and CCRI.

  • Home | Mysite

    Are you a voluntary group? Need support? READ MORE Frequently visited pages: COMMUNITY HUBS VOLUNTEER ADVICE FOREST YOUTH ASSOCIATION 什么是 FVAF? FVAF 代表森林自愿行动论坛。我们为当地公民、社区团体和活动提供支持,帮助他们做对他们最重要的事情。这包括以下内容: 支持和发展建议 训练 信息 网络会议 促进代表 志愿者招募 志愿者安置和支持 我们还与当地社区合作并为当地社区开展许多项目,例如院长森林青年协会、假日活动活动、森林青年音乐网络、GEM 项目、森林指南针目录、带轮子行走等等。查看我们的项目页面了解完整详情。 “在中国建立更强大的社区 迪恩森林” 了解更多 JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Get the latest community news and check out exciting volunteering opportunity in or around the Forest of Dean... 去脸书 Useful publications: FREE directory of the many volunteering opportunities available locally... DOWNLOAD 我们的同伴 We work with so many amazing and supportive partners. Find out more here... How to contact us Forest Voluntary Action Forum Ow Bist Forest Community Space Dockham Road Cinderford , Glos. GL14 2AN Email us: Tel: 01594 822073 Copyright © 2021 Forest Voluntary Action Forum. All Rights Reserved. Forest Voluntary Action Forum is a charity (1141126) and company limited by guarantee (07557852) registered in England and Wales. The registered address is The Belle Vue Centre, Cinderford, Glos, GL14 2AB. Forest Voluntary Action Forum proudly receives financial support from the Forest of Dean District Council .

  • VOTE - Volunteer of the Year 2023 | Mysite

    Volunteer of the Year 2023 T he People's Champion VOTING OPEN! Time to choose your champion... We recently asked you to nominate a local volunteer who has gone above and beyond for their community over the past 12 months, and/or has an inspiring story. We had some cracking nominations, and it was an extremely hard task to narrow it down BUT after much deliberation, our panel of community experts have shortlisted 7 community heroes. Vote for your favourite by selecting ONE of the following volunteers: Chris Brain Melanie Getgood Jando Greco Edna Husbands Barbara Jenkins Albert Weager Dave Young VOTING CLOSES: 10PM SUNDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER VOTE Thanks for voting! Check out the profiles of the shortlisted nominees below: Chris Brain Chairman & Coach of Broadwell Youth Football Club For the past 15 years Chris has dedicated a huge amount of his time, energy and passion into grassroots sports. A constant supporter and instrumental in the ongoing success of Broadwell Football Club, Chris has served as the Chairman of the club and more recently 2 and half years as the First Team Manager. The pinnacle of his successful coaching term came last year when Chris led his side to Les James Cup victory. Going out on a high, Chris has just retired and deserves recognition for his dedication and commitment which has provided the opportunity for 100’s of children to play football and helped to create the thriving community football club Broadwell FC has become. Melanie Getgood Chairperson at Friends of Worcester Walk Melanie has been the inspirational driving force of Friends of Worcester Walk (FoWW). Her steadfast commitment to Worcester Walk has seen it develop into a unique richly diverse habitat in the Forest of Dean. Melainie goes the extra mile to share the experience of being in nature, through events with school groups, volunteers, and local people. With her generous inclusive way, she has built a solid and diverse group of volunteers for FoWW and ensures that everyone is welcome, and their work appreciated. Melanie’s community work doesn’t end there! She is also a co-opted member of the Environmental Committee of Coleford Town Council, helps run a local Morris Dancing group, has organised clean ups in the Coleford Cemetery, King George Playing Field and Bells Field. Melanie works tirelessly for community but is always friendly, approachable, kind and generous with her time and with everyone she meets. Jando Greco Volunteer helper at St Stephen's Church Cinderford Jando is a fantastic example of the impact volunteering can have for the community, and in growing as a person. For the past twelve years, Jando has supported St Stephen’s Church through his involvement with many projects, services, events and prayer groups. Jando is often found setting up and tidying after events or keeping the church tidy midweek between services. He helps with the Fairtrade Stall and Fairtrade Friday coffee afternoons, and is a leader at Messy Church. Usually the first to put his hand up to help, like many volunteers, much of what Jando does is 'behind the scenes' and unseen. But that doesn't bother him at all, he just loves volunteering his time, feeling part of a community and growing his skills as well as sharing his talents with others. His nominator said that: “We so appreciate him, he is such a thoughtful, caring person and will do anything for anyone – Jando is so worthy of receiving this award and would love for him to be recognised for his service!” Edna Husbands Lydcare Community Transport Co-ordinator at Lydcare An essential member of the team, Edna is responsible for organising Lydcare Community Transport Service. A complex and demanding role, on average Edna deals with over 120 calls from people who request transport and with drivers to arrange journeys. Edna's role requires a massive commitment both in time and energy and requires a high degree of patience and diplomacy dealing with last minute medical appointments, cancellations and reschedules. Thanks to her tireless work over 4,000 journeys are completed every year, helping over 2,700 people get to hospital, medical appointments and social events which due the lack of public transport would be impossible. Lydcare was the only community transport service running through the pandemic and this was down to Edna's determination and commitment to ensure patients, particularly those who usually received home visits, were able to get to important medical appointments. Edna also works as a voluntary driver and is an outstanding volunteer working for the benefit of those in need within the community. Barbara Jenkins Organiser of the ‘Over Sixties Group’ Berryhill Memorial Institute AKA ‘The Hut’ It would be hard to find a volunteer in the Forest with a longer commitment to volunteering in the community than Barbara! For over 50 years, Barbara has been the lead organiser of the ‘Over Sixties Group’ at the ‘The Hut’ Berryhill Memorial Institute. This popular group has been providing social activities to help combat isolation for the older community for decades. Collecting community memories for a recent memory capsule, created as part of The Hut’s centenary celebrations, revealed that Barbara had been quietly managing this group since 1971. But Barbara’s involvement with The Hut goes even further back to her childhood when her father was resident caretaker, and her mother was involved in organising activities. A wonderful and unique example of generations getting involved with the community to make it a better place, Barbara is an inspiration to us all and shows no sign of slowing down. Albert Weager Community representative & advocate for better healthcare in FoD A more committed and dedicated community representative than Albert would be hard to find! For over a decade Albert has tirelessly advocated for better health provision in the Forest of Dean. With an incredibly long service on the FoD Health Forum, in 2014 he was appointed chair and has been instrumental in ensuring that everyone is listened to and given the opportunity to ask questions. At a county level, Albert chairs the People and Communities Reference Group for Urgent and Emergency Care and is the community representative on the Urgent and Emergency Care, Patient Flow Clinical Programme Group. Not stopping there, Albert is also represents local people on the Ageing Well Care Programme Board and has been the patient representative on the Blood Transfusion Committee for over ten years. Everything Albert does is as a volunteer and we must congratulate him on his drive and passion. Dave Young Volunteer driver, cook, outreach at Forest Sensory Services & Samaritans Over the past 2 years Dave has dedicated more and more of his time volunteering and going above and beyond to support other people. Starting as a volunteer driver for Forest Sensory Services (FFS), Dave now volunteers with FSS 3 times a week and even dons his chef hat and cooks up a delicious feast, twice a month, for the service’s clients. A fantastic supporter of all the work that FSS does, Dave plays an active role in outreach sessions to make visually impaired people aware of the support services offered and he also helps with fundraising. Along with his face-to-face volunteering, Dave volunteers with the Samaritans answering the phone a couple of times a week offering emotional support . Plus promoting Samaritans with outreach in the community. His nominator said: “Dave is an inspiring person and an amazing volunteer who does so much for other people.” Find our more about the Forest Volunteers Awards here:

  • Walking with Wheels | Mysite

    带轮子走路 使用其中一种 无论您的步行能力如何,全地形机动踏板车都可以与您的家人和朋友一起进入美丽的森林小径。 这 院长之森 是公认的步行和骑自行车中心,并有小径和其他地面通道。 然而,对于身体残疾、健康状况不佳、感觉障碍或其他一些抑制条件的人,可能需要一些动力援助、专业解释或其他适当的媒体,以使他们能够享受其他人认为理所当然的好处。 这 护林员的森林 遗产彩票资助项目,与 农村交通 为更多人提供进入院长森林的机会。 Walk with Wheels 提供全地形机动踏板车(称为 Trampers),供 Christchurch 的 Forest Holidays 和 Speech House Hotel 租用。 Trampers 可用于预先绘制好的路线,这些路线可以欣赏到 Symonds Yat、Biblins、Cyril Hart Arboretum 和 Mallards Pike Lake 的美景,仅举几例。 如果您想了解更多关于带轮步行的信息,请致电 01594 822073 或 通过电子邮件联系我们 。 经常问的问题 什么是“流浪者”? 谁可以使用这项服务? 我可以在哪些路线上使用它? 什么时候可以租? 我怎样才能预订一个? 雇用一个流浪者需要多少钱? 如果我以前从未使用过其中之一怎么办? 如果我需要额外的帮助怎么办? 为什么我必须成为 Countryside Mobility 的会员? 我可以帮助这个项目吗? 如果我需要取消预订怎么办? Frequently Asked Questions

  • Foresters' Forest | Mysite

    护林员的森林 森林人森林志愿者 访问森林人的森林网站 订阅森林人的森林通讯 我们是一个 国家彩票遗产基金 景观合作计划,由迪恩森林内的合作伙伴组织和当地社区团体协会组成。我们的目标是提高人们对使我们的森林与众不同的建筑、自然和文化遗产的认识和参与。 有很多事情要看、做、探索和参与,所以我们希望你能来和我们一起参加一系列活动、志愿服务机会和活动。欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的专用网站 。 简而言之,森林人的森林计划围绕五个主题:我们的自然堡垒、探索我们的森林、揭示我们的过去、庆祝我们的森林、保护我们的未来。 这些主题中的每一个都有一系列项目来揭示、分享和庆祝我们的遗产。您有很多机会参与了解和保护我们的特殊森林,所以我们希望您能来加入我们! 认识我们的一些志愿者 案例分析 大卫查洛纳 大卫是格洛斯特郡领导的森林保护放牧项目的志愿者…… 阅读更多 案例分析 格温妮丝·韦弗 我在 Foresters 的森林考古项目中有过一些奇妙的经历。挖掘有... 阅读更多 案例分析 基思·沃克 参加负责拯救 Scarr Bandstand 并为...提供平台的小型志愿团队 阅读更多

  • Keeping people safe | Mysite

    KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE Young people who are moving towards adulthood have the right to make informed choices about how they connect to their local community. This can involve risk, for guidance read: Building Connections: One minute guide to Risk Assessment

  • FVAF Community Celebration & AGM 2023 | Mysite

    FVAF Community Celebration & AGM 2023 FRIDAY 29 NOVEMBER 2024 | 11AM - 2PM Ow Bis - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road GL14 2AN We are inviting the whole community to join us in celebrating the work FVAF has done over the last 12 months for, and with communities across the Forest of Dean PLUS it’s our 30th anniversary this year and we’re ready to celebrate! Refreshments and a delicious buffet lunch will be provided. Places are limited - please book your ticket ASAP READ THE AGM NOTICE BELOW: BOOK YOUR TICKET

  • Living for Less | Mysite

    Get top tips to ‘Live for Less’ at community drop-in event! 2pm - 5pm Wednesday 22 March| Lydney Town Hall GL15 5DY Come along to our FREE drop-in event for top tips and advice to help you with the rising cost of living. From 2pm to 5pm you will get the chance to visit over 25 information stalls and speak face-to-face with experts who can offer help with food support, reducing bills, energy saving, searching for a job and benefits and money advice. PLUS we’ve got some fantastic interactive demos featuring cooking with Dean Forest Kitchen, grow your own tips from Adult Education Gloucestershire and upcycling skills with Newent Upcycling. In addition, AEG will also be giving a taste of the other sessions that they offer . Chris Brown, our CEO at said “With the cost of living constantly on the rise we are seeing first-hand the strain and impact this is having on the day-to-day lives of local people. This drop-in event will offer tips and advice and help everyone discover sustainable ways to cut their bills and save money.” ‘Living for Less’ is a free community drop-in event with a wide range of organisations signed up to attend including Forest of Dean District Council, Citizens Advice Bureau, Severn Wye Energy Agency, DWP, Homestart, Wlydwood, Two Rivers Housing and many other local community and support groups. Full list of organisations attending: Forest of Dean District Council - community, health, benefits and housing teams SevernWye Energy Agency Citizens Advice Bureau Department For Work and Pensions – Benefits and employment team Newent Upcycling Dean Forest Kitchen Friends of Forest Waterways Christians Against Poverty Wyldwood Crossroads Care Gloucestershire Carers Healthwatch Gloucestershire Adult Education Gloucestershire FRED – Forest Read Easy Deal Charlie's in the Forest Lydney Hub Gloucestershire Community Rail Two Rivers Housing Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Mothers in Mind/Homestart Lydney Exchange Gloucestershire Nightstop Great Oaks Hospice Managing Memory GOPA - Gloucestershire Older Persons' Association Dementia Action Alliance - DDA CCP – Caring for Communities and People For more information contact or 01594 822073.

  • Volunteer Awards | Mysite

    NOMINATIONS NOW CLOSED! Award categories The FVAF Volunteer Awards 2024 will recognise and celebrate the amazing efforts of volunteers and organisations in the Forest of Dean. We want to hear about all those heroes have demonstrated exceptional and outstanding support to the local community over the past 12 months. THIS YEAR WE HAVE 6 CATEGORIES: Your Volunteer of the Year – Peoples’ Champion This is an unsung hero who has gone above and beyond for their community or has an inspiring story. We’re looking for volunteers who give their time and input to provide valuable services to communities in the Forest of Dean. Perhaps without these volunteers’ significant contribution, organisations might not be able to sustain the work they do OR maybe they have brought transformative change to other people or their own personal story by volunteering. PLUS The winner of this award will be decided by you! Once we have shortlisted the nominees, we will be asking you to vote for who you think most deserves to be crowned Volunteer of the Year 2024. Young Volunteer of the Year 16yrs & under Young Volunteer of the Year 17 – 21yrs Split into two age ranges, this category recognises a young person who has shown a real commitment to their volunteering and/or overcome serious problems and made a positive difference in their own life or other peoples’.  It will celebrate the work carried out by young people who give up their time to help their community; in school, at youth clubs or a voluntary organisation. Grassroots Award for Voluntary Group of the Year Celebrate and honour those small grassroots organisations who are making a real difference in the community. These inspirational groups, run entirely by dedicated volunteers, will have had a positive impact on the people living in the Forest of Dean. We want to hear stories of lunch clubs, sports clubs, social and hobby groups, support groups, or any local group who are completely reliant on the tireless efforts of volunteers to help make a big difference to either in a small local area or in the wider community. Community Organisation Award This award recognises the outstanding contribution of larger organisations in the Forest of Dean who have made significant impact through delivering community projects, and/or positive change in the district. These could be any community or voluntary sector organisation including Charities, community organisations such as CIC’s or CIO’s, or larger groups who have a mix of staff and volunteers. ESV - Business in the Community Award This award is a chance to acknowledge the positive social impact local businesses have had in the local community. It recognises those organisations who have proactively committed to supporting and encouraging their workforce to volunteer for one-off projects or regular time to work with local charities or community projects. Or businesses who have actively supported the community in other ways. FoD Dementia Action Alliance Accessibility & Inclusion Award We are looking to recognise groups who are making admirable efforts towards being welcoming and inclusive to all. This award is not to reward perfection. We want to celebrate a commitment to enhancing accessibility and removing barriers. This might be by making physical improvements and considerations, creating clear and accessible communications, or building volunteering projects/programmes that help people to make a difference to their local community, regardless of the challenges they face, their age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, race, faith, or religion. FAQs Who can nominate? Anyone can nominate! Whether you are an individual local resident, part of a community group or from a local government organisation. How can I nominate? It’s easy – just fill in our nomination form here or if you would prefer a paper copy you can request one via or 01594 822073. What information do I need to provide? Please provide plenty of detail about what the nominee has achieved and as much information as possible about them and their unique contribution. If you have any, please provide good quality photographs. Make sure that you have permission from anyone else in the photograph so that we can use it for media and promotional activities unless you tell us not to. Should I tell the person or organisation I am nominating them or keep it a surprise? Ideally it would be good to let them know once you have decided to nominate, just so that they are aware and happy for their story to be shared. We want to celebrate and shout about the wonderful work of volunteers which would include promotion via social media, on our website and to local press. How will it be judged? All nominations will be carefully considered by a panel of judges. This panel will be made up of a mix of unbiased and independent judges including; members of staff from FVAF, a FVAF trustee, and representatives from local councils, businesses and media. For more information or if you have any questions, email or call 01594 822073.

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