The Digital Hubs Project
Tackling digital exclusion across Gloucestershire
The Digital Hubs Project is a new innovative approach, developed by Forest Voluntary Action Forum and GCC Adult Transformation Team, to tackle digital exclusion across Gloucestershire by offering free, accessible, tailored support to individuals.

Starting out in October 2021, we have played the as role as county wide facilitator of the project in partnership with GCC’s Adult Transformation Team. Whilst being facilitator’s, we act as the Forest of Dean lead district provider, offering FREE 1:1 digital support across safe and trusted Community Drop-in Hubs.
Coleford – Sixteen Community Cafe
Sedbury – Sedbury Space
Cinderford - Ow Bist - Forest Community Space
Staunton – The Swan Community Hub
Newent – The Chill Out Zone
What does Digital Hubs aim to address?
Not everyone sees why using the internet could be relevant and helpful
A Digital Hub can demonstrate the huge benefits
Some people fear online crime, lack trust or don’t know where to start online
A Digital Hub can increase confidence via trusted relationships
Not everyone has the ability to use the internet and online services
A digital Hub can provide 1:1 training
Not everyone has the ability to connect to the internet and go online
A Digital Hub can provide access to free equipment and internet
Since starting the journey of Gloucestershire Digital Hubs Project, awareness and recognition of the project has grown and is now recognised as essential community-based approach to tackling digital exclusion across Gloucestershire.
Notability, the project was highlighted in the Report of the Director of Public health 2022/23 - No Person is an island: Social connections in Gloucestershire, which also included video cased study of the project.
You can also download the PDF version (PDF, 5.2 MB) of Director of Public health 2022/23
For more information about the project visit the Digital Hub website HERE
To find out more, dates, times and locations for upcoming FVAF Community Digital Drop-in Hubs, contact Alex on or 01594 822073.