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  • Publications | Mysite

    Our publications Forest Compass Edition 3 Volunteering in the Forest of Dean FVAF Annual Report 2022/23 FVAF Annual Report 2021/22 Insights into the Experience of commissioning for small VCSE organisations in the Forest of Dean By Chris Brown My Networks publications My Networks Scoping Project Report, Oct 2022 by Simon Price Supporting documents: Mental Health Scoping Project – Survey Results Co-production – How we facilitated My Networks Scoping Report Useful community publications The Digital Divides Report and Recommendations By Digital Divides Steering Group Learnings from the Forest By Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership (FODCAP), Holding The Space, Thirty Percy, and CCRI.

  • Ow Bist - Forest Community Space | Mysite

    welcoming & vibrant community hub - for hire To date we have transformed the building's exterior with wooden cladding, resprayed windows and doors, and a new sign. Inside, we have created of a flexible training and events space , along with permanent office space for support agencies and community organisations. Thanks to funding from Cinderford Town Council, Ow Bist now features a Changing Places toilet to ensure accessibility for the entire community. Since taking on the 25 year lease of the former Dockham Road GP surgery, we have been working at a pace to create a welcoming and vibrant community hub that offers wrap-around support and improves access to community services. The whole team loved the space you have at Ow Bist, but also really valued the partnership approach. Hirer at Ow Bist What to find out more? Interested in hiring the space? Contact us at or 01594 822073

  • Become a Member | Mysite

    Станьте членом FVAF Ставши членом FVAF, ви допомагаєте нам продовжувати надавати важливу підтримку волонтерському та громадському сектору в Ліс Діна . FVAF виступає як прихильник добровільних і громадських дій, де це доречно, на районному, окружному та національному рівнях, і чим більше членів ми представляємо, тим сильнішим буде наш голос. Тому з членами проводять консультації з питань, що впливають на волонтерський та громадський сектор у Лісі Діна, а також те, чого ми прагнемо досягти як організація. Як учасник, ви отримаєте доступ до наших офісних послуг, знижені ціни на друк і копіювання, рекламу волонтерських вакансій для вашої групи та безкоштовний прокат різноманітного офісного обладнання. Це включає: Дисплейні дошки Петля слуху Цифровий проектор і екран PA система Фліп-чарти Довгий розкладний стіл Урна для гарячої води Альтанка (потрібна пожертва 5 фунтів стерлінгів) Якщо ви хочете стати членом FVAF, будь ласка, натисніть кнопку Приєднатися до FVAF праворуч і заповніть форму. За додатковою інформацією телефонуйте 01594 822073 Щоб отримати доступ до всіх наших служб підтримки, стати членом FVAF БЕЗКОШТОВНО Приєднуйтесь до FVAF

  • Community Heros Crowned 2023 | Mysite

    We crown our community heroes! The community turned out in force on Tuesday 3 October to see local volunteers crowned at our glittering Forest Volunteers Awards 2023 celebration at the AccXel Training Centre in Cinderford. READ THE NOMINEE PROFILES IN THE AWARDS PROGRAMME We created the Forest Volunteer Awards to recognise and celebrate the amazing efforts of local volunteers in the Forest of Dean and earlier this Summer, we asked you to nominate those volunteer heroes who have demonstrated exceptional and outstanding support to the local community over the past 12 months. We had an amazing response and received hundreds of nominations. Our expert community panel had the tough task of shortlisting the nominations and picking the winners. However,one category - Volunteer of the Year – Peoples’ Champion – was decided by a public vote withalmost 1,400 votes cast. The winners were crowned at a special evening, held at the stunning conference space at the impressive AccXel Training Centre, which was provided for free to FVAF by local construction company the KW Bell Group, who were the main sponsors of the event. Jando Greco, volunteer at St Stephens Church in Cinderford was crowned Volunteer of the Year – the People’s Champion following a public vote. A volunteer of over 12 years his nominator said: “We so appreciate him, he is such a thoughtful, caring person and will do anything for anyone – Jando is so worthy of receiving this award.” Young volunteers were celebrated with Ebony Powell, volunteer and fundraiser at Forest of Dean Dog Rescue crowned under 16 years old Young Volunteer of the Year for her caring and dedicated commitment caring for the rescue dogs, whilst in the 17 – 25 years old category, Daisy Hoole rewarded for her tireless hard work volunteering at C.A.N.D.I Youth Space. In the groups section, The George in Newnham was recognised as the New Voluntary Group of the Year for reopening the former café as a vibrant community space. Next up, was Sedbury Space who picked up the Grassroots Voluntary Group award in recognition of the fantastic efforts of the community to create a thriving, inclusive, welcoming hub. Fire safety education organisation SkillZONE was awarded the Community Organisation award for their responsive work with young people in the Forest, and a team of volunteers from EDF Energy picked up the Business in the Community Award for helping out at Camphill Village Trust in Lydney. Forest of Dean Dementia Action Alliance (FDDAA) sponsored the launch of a new Inclusion Award, with Cinderford Bowls Club scooping the top spot for making changes to the game and their grounds to make bowls accessible for everyone to enjoy. Our Volunteering Manager Deb Cook said “So much of what happens within our community is because of people who give their time and energy for free. We think that recognising the amazing efforts of volunteers and organisations is incredibly important which is why we have been so pleased by the reaction of the local people who have supported these awards by nominating and voting.” Deb added, “It has been an incredible evening and we are so lucky and proud of the strength of the amazing voluntary sector we have in the Forest.” Master of Ceremony for the Forest Volunteer Awards was Steve Knibbs, BBC Points West reporter who kept the guests entertained with his expert hosting skills. Award winners were announced by guest presenters; Mark Topping( Leader of Forest of Dean District Council), Emma Snell (Go Volunteer Glos), Penny Hulbert (FVAF Chair of Trustees), Jonathan Lane (Cabinet Member for Economy at FODDC), Kirsty Downie (John Lewis Partnership & Waitrose - Monmouth), and Andrea Harman (Ecophon). The celebration evening was made possible thanks to generous sponsorship for the following local organisations: KW Bell Group and AccXel Training Centre – main sponsors Ecophon Simplicity in Business Steve Gooch Estate Agents Waitrose & Partners (Monmouth Store) FOREST VOLUNTEER AWARD WINNERS 2023: Volunteer of the Year – Peoples’ Champion WINNER: Jando Greco – St Stephens Church, Cinderford Highly Commended: Chris Brain (Broadwell Football Club), Melanie Getgood (Friends of Worcester Walk), Edna Husbands (Lydcare Community Transport), Barbara Jenkins (Over 60’s Group at Berryhill Memorial Hut), Albert Weager (community representative & advocate for better healthcare) and Dave Young (Forest Sensory Services and Samaritans). New Voluntary Group of the Year WINNER: The George, Newnham Highly Commended: Lydney Army Cadets Young Volunteer of the Year 16yrs & under WINNER: Ebony Powell – Forest of Dean Dog Rescue Highly Commended: Evie Harris - community volunteer and Teens in Crisis fundraiser Young Volunteer of the Year 17 – 25yrs WINNER: Daisy Hoole – C.A.N.D.I Youth Space Highly Commended: Leanne Hendrix – Coleford Youth Club Grassroots Voluntary Group of the Year WINNER: Sedbury Space Highly Commended: Forest Community Shed Community Organisation of the Year WINNER: SkillZone Highly Commended: Forest of Dean District Scouts Business in the Community Award WINNER: EDF Energy Highly Commended: The Rising Sun Community Pub FoD Dementia Action Alliance Inclusion Award WINNER: Cinderford Bowls Club Highly Commended: Artspace Cinderford END For media enquires contact or 01594 822073.

  • Digital Hubs Project | Mysite

    The Digital Hubs Project Tackling digital exclusion across Gloucestershire The Digital Hubs Project is a new innovative approach, developed by Forest Voluntary Action Forum and GCC Adult Transformation Team, to tackle digital exclusion across Gloucestershire by offering free, accessible, tailored support to individuals. Starting out in October 2021, we have played the as role as county wide facilitator of the project in partnership with GCC’s Adult Transformation Team. Whilst being facilitator’s, we act as the Forest of Dean lead district provider, offering FREE 1:1 digital support across our 6 safe and trusted Community Drop-in Hubs. Coleford – Sixteen Community Cafe Lydney – Taurus Crafts Sedbury – Sedbury Space Cinderford - Ow Bist - Forest Community Space Staunton – The Swan Community Hub Newent – The Chill Out Zone What does Digital Hubs aim to address? Motivation Not everyone sees why using the internet could be relevant and helpful A Digital Hub can demonstrate the huge benefits Confidence Some people fear online crime, lack trust or don’t know where to start online A Digital Hub can increase confidence via trusted relationships  Skills Not everyone has the ability to use the internet and online services A digital Hub can provide 1:1 training Access Not everyone has the ability to connect to the internet and go online A Digital Hub can provide access to free equipment and internet Since starting the journey of Gloucestershire Digital Hubs Project, awareness and recognition of the project has grown and is now recognised as essential community-based approach to tackling digital exclusion across Gloucestershire. Notability, the project was highlighted in the Report of the Director of Public health 2022/23 - No Person is an island: Social connections in Gloucestershire, which also included video cased study of the project. You can also  download the PDF version (PDF, 5.2 MB)  of Director of Public health 2022/23 For more information about the project visit the Digital Hub website HERE To find out more, dates, times and locations for upcoming FVAF Community Digital Drop-in Hubs, contact Alex on  or 01594 822073.

  • Volunteers' Week Roadshow 2024 | Mysite

    Join our roadshow! Volunteer Week 2024 3-8 June We’re hitting the road again this year to celebrate Volunteers’ Week 2024! Volunteers' Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make, across the UK, through volunteering in their communities. In the first week of June (3-8), we will be taking our community engagement vehicle out and about across the Forest of Dean, promoting and celebrating all things volunteering. If you’re a local group or organisation who needs volunteers and would like the opportunity to promote what you do to the local community, we’re inviting you to join us. From 10am -2pm we will be in: Wednesday 5 June LYDNEY - Taurus Crafts, The Old Park Park, Aylburton, Lydney GL15 6BU Thursday 6 June CINDERFORD - Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road GL14 2AN Friday 7 June COLEFORD - The Clocktower, Market Place GL16 8AW Saturday 8 June NEWENT - Newent Market Hall, Broad Street If you’d like to join us, please let us know by 31 May. BOOK YOUR PLACE **PLUS pop along and pick up the latest editions of our popular publications ‘Volunteering in the Forest of Dean’ and ‘Forest Compass’. Can’t make it? We’re happy to take along any flyers/leaflets/poster/giveaways to promote your group or organisation – just drop them into the FVAF office at Ow Bist - Forest Community Centre, Dockham Road, Cinderford GL14 2AN (located in the Tesco carpark) by 4pm Friday 31 May.

  • Trustees' Week 2022 | Mysite

    TRUSTEES' WEEK 2022 - Showcasing & celebrating trustees Next week (7 – 11 November) we will be taking part in a national celebration of charity trustees as part of Trustees’ Week 2022 . Ever wondered what a trustee does? Maybe you’d like to take on a trustee role but don’t know where to start. Across the week we will try and answers your questions by looking at what a trustee is, the benefits of taking on a trustee role and showcasing the fantastic impact it can have to local people and communities. Follow us on Facebook for daily tips and info and check our website for updates and links to useful resources. Are you recruiting trustees? Tell us! If you are an organisation of community group looking for trustees – this is the perfect opportunity to recruit! To advertise your trustee opportunities just send the info to by 5pm Thursday 10 November

  • HAF Summer - Week 1 | Mysite

    SUMMER HAF - HOLIDAY, ACTIVITIES & FOOD WEEK 1 - 1 to 4 August MONDAY PROSTARS KIDS CLUB CAMP (4-12yrs) Dene Magna Secondary School, Picklenash Junior School, Dean Academy Secondary School PROGRESSIVE SPORTS ACTIVE CAMPS (4-13yrs) St Whites Primary School, Cinderford SWIM PASS (4-16 yrs) Freedom Leisure, Cinderford LITTLE LEARNERS CRAFTS, MESSY PLAY AND MORE Foxglove Gardens, Coleford WILDINGS HOLIDAY CLUB (5-12yrs) Noxon Farm Permaculture, Lydney REKINDLE YOUTH HOLIDAY HANG OUT (13-16yrs) Kensley Sheds, Cinderford, Coleford Recreation BOOK HERE Click to book WEDNESDAY PROSTARS KIDS CLUB CAMP (4-12yrs) Dene Magna Secondary School, Picklenash Junior School, Dean Academy Secondary School PROGRESSIVE SPORTS ACTIVE CAMPS (4-13yrs) St Whites Primary School, Cinderford SWIM PASS (4-16 yrs) Freedom Leisure, Cinderford LITTLE LEARNERS CRAFTS, MESSY PLAY AND MORE Foxglove Gardens, Coleford WILDINGS HOLIDAY CLUB (5-12yrs) Noxon Farm Permaculture, Lydney REKINDLE YOUTH HOLIDAY HANG OUT (13-16yrs) Kensley Sheds, Cinderford, Coleford Recreation BOOK HERE Click to book TUESDAY PROSTARS KIDS CLUB CAMP (4-12yrs) Dene Magna Secondary School, Picklenash Junior School, Dean Academy Secondary School PROGRESSIVE SPORTS ACTIVE CAMPS (4-13yrs) St Whites Primary School, Cinderford SWIM PASS (4-16 yrs) Freedom Leisure, Cinderford NEWENT INITIATIVE ACTIVITY SESSIONS (9-16 yrs) Chillout Zone, Newent LITTLE LEARNERS CRAFTS, MESSY PLAY AND MORE Foxglove Gardens, Coleford WILDINGS HOLIDAY CLUB (5-12yrs) Noxon Farm Permaculture, Lydney REKINDLE YOUTH HOLIDAY HANG OUT (13-16yrs) Kensley Sheds, Cinderford, Coleford Recreation BOOK HERE Click to book THURSDAY PROSTARS KIDS CLUB CAMP (4-12yrs) Dene Magna Secondary School, Picklenash Junior School, Dean Academy Secondary School PROGRESSIVE SPORTS ACTIVE CAMPS (4-13yrs) St Whites Primary School, Cinderford SWIM PASS (4-16 yrs) Freedom Leisure, Cinderford ARCHERY King George V Field, Coleford LITTLE LEARNERS CRAFTS, MESSY PLAY AND MORE Foxglove Gardens, Coleford WILDINGS HOLIDAY CLUB (5-12yrs) Noxon Farm Permaculture, Lydney REKINDLE YOUTH HOLIDAY HANG OUT (13-16yrs) Kensley Sheds, Cinderford, Coleford Recreation BOOK HERE Click to book FRIDAY PROSTARS KIDS CLUB CAMP (4-12yrs) Dene Magna Secondary School, Picklenash Junior School, Dean Academy Secondary School PROGRESSIVE SPORTS ACTIVE CAMPS (4-13yrs) St Whites Primary School, Cinderford SPORTILY ADVENTURE DAY Christian Adventure Centre, Lydney ARCHERY King George V Field, Coleford WILDINGS HOLIDAY CLUB (5-12yrs) Noxon Farm Permaculture, Lydney REKINDLE YOUTH HOLIDAY HANG OUT (13-16yrs) Kensley Sheds, Cinderford, Coleford Recreation BOOK HERE Click to book For more information visit the Gloucestershire County Council website here

  • Meet the team & trustees | Mysite

    Our Team. Our head office is based in Cinderford but everyday you will meet members of the FVAF team out and about supporting the community and building strong partnerships with other local organisations and groups... Chris Brown Chief Executive Officer Nick Penny Programme Manager Teresa Allewell Finance & Operations Manager Catherine Best Communications & Fundraising Manager Cathy Griffiths Development Manager Deb Cook Volunteering Manager Connor Grimshaw Facilities Manager Cherry Potter-Irwin Finance & Administration Officer Fliss Simister Youth Association Manager Lisa Robertson Youth Development Officer Katy Virgo Youth Development Officer Courtney Middleton Project Coordinator Lauren Greening Youth Development Project Manager Jodie Atkins Youth Support Worker Alex Digby Digital Projects Manager Melanie Benn Community Builder Teresa Rose Community Connectors' Facilitator Natasha Nelson Forest Food Network Coordinator Simon Price MY Networks Project Manager Miranda Thomason Peer Development Facilitator Pete Harper Peer Development Facilitator Meet our trustees. We have a highly skilled board of trustees who meet regularly to monitor, challenge and guide what FVAF does now, and in the future. Penny Hulbert Chair of Trustees Sid Phelps Vice Chair of Trustees Jonathan Gault Trustee - Treasurer Simon Murray Trustee Diana Martin Trustee Roger Deeks Trustee Bob Rhodes Trustee Sue Pritchard Trustee Louise Penny Trustee Vicky Head Trustee Christopher Walker Trustee

  • The Community Action Pod | Mysite

    The podcast kit is also available for hire to voluntary community groups. For more information on The Community Action Pod and ways to get involved contact the Host Melanie Benn on or 01594 822073. Produced by Forest Voluntary Action Forum Funded by the Barnwood Trust Digital Inclusion Fund

  • VOTE - Volunteer of the Year 2023 | Mysite

    Volunteer of the Year 2023 T he People's Champion VOTING OPEN! Time to choose your champion... We recently asked you to nominate a local volunteer who has gone above and beyond for their community over the past 12 months, and/or has an inspiring story. We had some cracking nominations, and it was an extremely hard task to narrow it down BUT after much deliberation, our panel of community experts have shortlisted 7 community heroes. Vote for your favourite by selecting ONE of the following volunteers: Chris Brain Melanie Getgood Jando Greco Edna Husbands Barbara Jenkins Albert Weager Dave Young VOTING CLOSES: 10PM SUNDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER VOTE Thanks for voting! Check out the profiles of the shortlisted nominees below: Chris Brain Chairman & Coach of Broadwell Youth Football Club For the past 15 years Chris has dedicated a huge amount of his time, energy and passion into grassroots sports. A constant supporter and instrumental in the ongoing success of Broadwell Football Club, Chris has served as the Chairman of the club and more recently 2 and half years as the First Team Manager. The pinnacle of his successful coaching term came last year when Chris led his side to Les James Cup victory. Going out on a high, Chris has just retired and deserves recognition for his dedication and commitment which has provided the opportunity for 100’s of children to play football and helped to create the thriving community football club Broadwell FC has become. Melanie Getgood Chairperson at Friends of Worcester Walk Melanie has been the inspirational driving force of Friends of Worcester Walk (FoWW). Her steadfast commitment to Worcester Walk has seen it develop into a unique richly diverse habitat in the Forest of Dean. Melainie goes the extra mile to share the experience of being in nature, through events with school groups, volunteers, and local people. With her generous inclusive way, she has built a solid and diverse group of volunteers for FoWW and ensures that everyone is welcome, and their work appreciated. Melanie’s community work doesn’t end there! She is also a co-opted member of the Environmental Committee of Coleford Town Council, helps run a local Morris Dancing group, has organised clean ups in the Coleford Cemetery, King George Playing Field and Bells Field. Melanie works tirelessly for community but is always friendly, approachable, kind and generous with her time and with everyone she meets. Jando Greco Volunteer helper at St Stephen's Church Cinderford Jando is a fantastic example of the impact volunteering can have for the community, and in growing as a person. For the past twelve years, Jando has supported St Stephen’s Church through his involvement with many projects, services, events and prayer groups. Jando is often found setting up and tidying after events or keeping the church tidy midweek between services. He helps with the Fairtrade Stall and Fairtrade Friday coffee afternoons, and is a leader at Messy Church. Usually the first to put his hand up to help, like many volunteers, much of what Jando does is 'behind the scenes' and unseen. But that doesn't bother him at all, he just loves volunteering his time, feeling part of a community and growing his skills as well as sharing his talents with others. His nominator said that: “We so appreciate him, he is such a thoughtful, caring person and will do anything for anyone – Jando is so worthy of receiving this award and would love for him to be recognised for his service!” Edna Husbands Lydcare Community Transport Co-ordinator at Lydcare An essential member of the team, Edna is responsible for organising Lydcare Community Transport Service. A complex and demanding role, on average Edna deals with over 120 calls from people who request transport and with drivers to arrange journeys. Edna's role requires a massive commitment both in time and energy and requires a high degree of patience and diplomacy dealing with last minute medical appointments, cancellations and reschedules. Thanks to her tireless work over 4,000 journeys are completed every year, helping over 2,700 people get to hospital, medical appointments and social events which due the lack of public transport would be impossible. Lydcare was the only community transport service running through the pandemic and this was down to Edna's determination and commitment to ensure patients, particularly those who usually received home visits, were able to get to important medical appointments. Edna also works as a voluntary driver and is an outstanding volunteer working for the benefit of those in need within the community. Barbara Jenkins Organiser of the ‘Over Sixties Group’ Berryhill Memorial Institute AKA ‘The Hut’ It would be hard to find a volunteer in the Forest with a longer commitment to volunteering in the community than Barbara! For over 50 years, Barbara has been the lead organiser of the ‘Over Sixties Group’ at the ‘The Hut’ Berryhill Memorial Institute. This popular group has been providing social activities to help combat isolation for the older community for decades. Collecting community memories for a recent memory capsule, created as part of The Hut’s centenary celebrations, revealed that Barbara had been quietly managing this group since 1971. But Barbara’s involvement with The Hut goes even further back to her childhood when her father was resident caretaker, and her mother was involved in organising activities. A wonderful and unique example of generations getting involved with the community to make it a better place, Barbara is an inspiration to us all and shows no sign of slowing down. Albert Weager Community representative & advocate for better healthcare in FoD A more committed and dedicated community representative than Albert would be hard to find! For over a decade Albert has tirelessly advocated for better health provision in the Forest of Dean. With an incredibly long service on the FoD Health Forum, in 2014 he was appointed chair and has been instrumental in ensuring that everyone is listened to and given the opportunity to ask questions. At a county level, Albert chairs the People and Communities Reference Group for Urgent and Emergency Care and is the community representative on the Urgent and Emergency Care, Patient Flow Clinical Programme Group. Not stopping there, Albert is also represents local people on the Ageing Well Care Programme Board and has been the patient representative on the Blood Transfusion Committee for over ten years. Everything Albert does is as a volunteer and we must congratulate him on his drive and passion. Dave Young Volunteer driver, cook, outreach at Forest Sensory Services & Samaritans Over the past 2 years Dave has dedicated more and more of his time volunteering and going above and beyond to support other people. Starting as a volunteer driver for Forest Sensory Services (FFS), Dave now volunteers with FSS 3 times a week and even dons his chef hat and cooks up a delicious feast, twice a month, for the service’s clients. A fantastic supporter of all the work that FSS does, Dave plays an active role in outreach sessions to make visually impaired people aware of the support services offered and he also helps with fundraising. Along with his face-to-face volunteering, Dave volunteers with the Samaritans answering the phone a couple of times a week offering emotional support . Plus promoting Samaritans with outreach in the community. His nominator said: “Dave is an inspiring person and an amazing volunteer who does so much for other people.” Find our more about the Forest Volunteers Awards here:

  • Forest Youth Association | Mysite

    Лісова молодіжна асоціація Молодіжна асоціація Forest of Dean пропонує допомогу та підтримку молоді та молодіжним клубам, групам чи організаціям. Завести нових друзів Приєднуйтесь до своєї спільноти Переслідуйте інтерес Спробуйте щось нове Отримайте нові навички Волонтер Зробіть світ кращим Волонтерство Є багато можливостей для волонтерства як для молоді, так і для дорослих. Якщо ви молода людина, яка шукає волонтерської роботи у вільний час, щоб отримати більше навичок або як частина вашої програми DofE, зателефонуйте нам або відвідайте Так само, якщо ви доросла людина, яка має навички та знання, або бажаєте підтримати молодіжну організацію в Лісі Діна, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами, оскільки є багато організацій, які вдячні б за вашу підтримку. Партнерське членство для вашого клубу/організації Приєднавшись до Молодіжної асоціації Forest of Dean, ви матимете право на весь спектр наших послуг, які пропонують поради та підтримку в усіх аспектах управління такою організацією, як ваша. Ми також ведемо календар заходів, у яких ваші волонтери та молодь можуть брати участь за символічну плату. Щоб отримати повну інформацію про переваги або зареєструвати свій клуб, натисніть на наступні посилання Переваги членства молодіжної асоціації для клубів Форма членства в клубах молодіжної асоціації Контактні дані для отримання додаткової інформації Якщо ви хочете дізнатися більше про будь-який з наших проектів чи заходів або як взяти участь, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нашим спеціалістом з розвитку молодіжних асоціацій, Алетеєю Бампстед на For More Information If you would like to know about any of our projects or events or how to get involved, please get in touch with us at hi.ya Фінансова підтримка Молодіжна асоціація Forest of Dean з гордістю отримує фінансову підтримку від міських рад Сіндерфорда та Колфорда. Якщо ваша парафіяльна чи міська рада хоче дізнатися більше про молодіжну асоціацію Forest of Dean або як ви можете підтримати нас, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами електронною поштою

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