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  • Meet the team & trustees | Mysite

    Our Team. Our head office is based in Cinderford but everyday you will meet members of the FVAF team out and about supporting the community and building strong partnerships with other local organisations and groups... Chris Brown Chief Executive Officer Nick Penny Programme Manager Teresa Allewell Finance & Operations Manager Catherine Best Communications & Fundraising Manager Cathy Griffiths Development Manager Deb Cook Volunteering Manager Connor Grimshaw Facilities Manager Cherry Potter-Irwin Finance & Administration Officer Fliss Simister Youth Association Manager Lisa Robertson Youth Development Officer Katy Virgo Youth Development Officer Courtney Middleton Project Coordinator Lauren Greening Youth Development Project Manager Jodie Atkins Youth Support Worker Alex Digby Digital Projects Manager Melanie Benn Community Builder Teresa Rose Community Connectors' Facilitator Natasha Nelson Forest Food Network Coordinator Simon Price MY Networks Project Manager Miranda Thomason Peer Development Facilitator Pete Harper Peer Development Facilitator Meet our trustees. We have a highly skilled board of trustees who meet regularly to monitor, challenge and guide what FVAF does now, and in the future. Penny Hulbert Chair of Trustees Sid Phelps Vice Chair of Trustees Jonathan Gault Trustee - Treasurer Simon Murray Trustee Diana Martin Trustee Roger Deeks Trustee Bob Rhodes Trustee Louise Penny Trustee Interested in becoming a FVAF Trustee? Talk to us! Contact Chris is 01594 822073

  • Youth Clubs | Mysite

    YOUTH CLUBS & ACTIVITIES TUESDAY Blakeney Youth Club | 6pm-8pm Cinderford Rd, Blakeney GL15 4AE Open Access youth group for local young people ORGANISATION: Blakeney YC and FVAF Forest Youth Project | 4:30pm-8pm (alternate Tuesdays) The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford GL16 8RH LGBTQ+ young people 10-16yrs ORGANISATION: Wye River Festival and FVAF THURSDAY Forest Young Mums | 10am-12pm Hilltop Children & Family Centre, Latimer Road, Cinderford GL14 2QA Targeted support for young mums under 21 ORGANISATION: FVAF in partnership with NHS Coleford Youth Hub (Juniors) | 4pm-6pm The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford GL16 8RH Open Access youth group for Years 5 & 6 (Every Thursday) ORGANISATION: FVAF in partnership with Coleford Town Council Coleford Youth Hub (Seniors) | 6:30pm-8:30pm The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford GL16 8RH Open Access youth group for Years 7 & 8 (Last Thursday of month) ORGANISATION: FVAF in partnership with Coleford Town Council FRIDAY Mitcheldean Youth Hub | 4pm-8pm The Playing Fields, Mitcheldean GL17 0BQ Open Access Year 7+ ORGANISATION: FVAF in partnership Mitcheldean Parish Council OTHER ACTIVITIES Beezee Families| 4pm-6:30pm The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford GL16 8RH Healthy families 8 week programme (by referral; please contact FVAF for rolling start dates) ORGANISATION: BeeZee Maximus and FVAF Work It Out | TBC The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford GL16 8RH Targeted support for young people not in education, training and employment ORGANISATION: FVAF Youth Support Team ASTON | 6pm-8pm The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford GL16 8RH Targeted ASB and crime prevention (by referral; please contact FVAF for dates) ORGANISATION: PCSO’s and FVAF To find out more contact or 01594 822073

  • Youth Support | Mysite

    Youth Support in the Forest of Dean Forest Youth Association Here to offer help and support to young people and youth clubs, groups or organisations. Discover more Local Youth Clubs Check out the timetable of regular youth clubs and events What's on offer NEW! Universal Youth Services We’ve joined forces Gloucestershire Gateway Trust and The Venture Community Hub, to make a real difference in the lives of young people Discover more

  • FoDDC Community Grant support | Mysite

    Get Help To Unlock Your Community’s Potential! Forest of Dean District Council has just launched Community Grants 2025 to 2026 . This one-off funding is open to not-for-profit voluntary and community groups in the Forest of Dean to help build stronger, more cohesive communities. To help you fill in the application form we’ve teamed up with Gloucestershire Rural Community Counci l to offer drop-in sessions or bookable slots across the Forest: 18 March 2025 | Sedbury Village Hall & Sedbury Space Drop-in: 10am - 11am Bookable slots: 11am - 12pm 26 March 2025 | FODDC Offices, Coleford Bookable slots: 1pm - 3:30pm 7 April 2025 | Sixteen Community Café, Coleford Drop-in: 11am - 1pm 10 April 2025 | Newent Memorial Hall Bookable slots: 11am - 12pm Drop-in: 12:30pm - 1:30pm 28 April 2025 | The Victoria Centre, Victoria Road, Lydney Bookable slots: 10am - 12:30pm Drop-in: 2pm - 4pm 1 May 2025 | Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Cinderford Bookable slots: 11am - 12pm Drop-in: 12pm - 1pm Learn more about the FoDDC Community Grants and download the application documents HERE For more information or to book your slot, contact us at or 01594 822073.

  • Home | Mysite

    Get help with applying for the FODDC Community Grant JOIN OUR ADVICE WORKSHOPS! READ MORE Frequently visited pages: COMMUNITY HUBS VOLUNTEER ADVICE FOREST YOUTH ASSOCIATION Cad é FVAF? Seasann FVAF don Fhóram Gníomhaíochta Deonach Foraoise. Cuirimid tacaíocht ar fáil do shaoránaigh áitiúla, do ghrúpaí pobail agus do ghníomhaíochtaí chun na rudaí is tábhachtaí dóibh a dhéanamh. Áirítear leis seo na nithe seo a leanas: tacaíocht agus comhairle forbartha oiliúint eolas cruinnithe líonraithe ionadaíocht a éascú earcaíocht oibrithe deonacha socrúchán oibrithe deonacha agus tacaíocht Reáchtálaimid go leor tionscadal freisin leis an bpobal áitiúil agus ar a son, mar shampla Cumann Óige Foraoise an Déin, Feachtais Gníomhaíochta Saoire, Líonra Ceoil Óige na Foraoise, Tionscadal GEM, Eolaire Compás na Foraoise, Walking with Wheels agus go leor eile. Breathnaigh ar ár leathanach Tionscadail le haghaidh sonraí iomlána. “Pobail Níos Láidre a Thógáil i foraois an Déin" Tuilleadh eolais a fháil JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Get the latest community news and check out exciting volunteering opportunity in or around the Forest of Dean... Téigh go Facebook Useful publications: FREE directory of the many volunteering opportunities available locally... DOWNLOAD Ár gComhpháirtithe We work with so many amazing and supportive partners. Find out more here... How to contact us Forest Voluntary Action Forum Ow Bist Forest Community Space Dockham Road Cinderford , Glos. GL14 2AN Email us: Tel: 01594 822073 Copyright © 2021 Forest Voluntary Action Forum. All Rights Reserved. Forest Voluntary Action Forum is a charity (1141126) and company limited by guarantee (07557852) registered in England and Wales. The registered address is The Belle Vue Centre, Cinderford, Glos, GL14 2AB. Forest Voluntary Action Forum proudly receives financial support from the Forest of Dean District Council .

  • Volunteering | Mysite

    Obair dheonach Mar an t-ionad d’Oibrithe Deonacha le haghaidh Foraoise an Déin táimid anseo chun cabhrú leat oibrithe deonacha a earcú agus a bhainistiú Ár Obair Dheonach nua leabhrán líonta le sonraí den obair dheonach áitiúil deiseanna amach anois Cliceáil le híoslódáil Nó bailigh cóip ag do leabharlann áitiúil nó Mol Pobail Mar Ionad na nOibrithe Deonacha do na Foraois an Déin go minic is muid an chéad phointe teagmhála d’aon duine ar spéis leo obair dheonach. Anuraidh bhí bród orainn tacú le luach breis agus 100,000 uair an chloig d’obair dheonach sa cheantar! Déanann FVAF raon leathan deiseanna saorálaíochta a chur chun cinn agus a fhógairt ó eagraíochtaí a roinneann ár n-éiteas maidir le tacú le hoibrithe deonacha agus a aithníonn an raon leathan cúiseanna a roghnaíonn daoine obair dheonach a dhéanamh. Cén Fáth Oibrí Deonach? Tá roinnt buntáistí ollmhóra ag baint le hobair dheonach, ní hamháin duitse i do dhuine aonair, ach do do phobal agus don domhan ina mairimid. Más mian leat cur le do CV, bualadh le daoine nua, úsáid mhaith a bhaint as do chuid scileanna, rud éigin nua a fhoghlaim, spéis a shaothrú, taithí a thairiscint nó difríocht a dhéanamh, táimid cinnte go mbeidh deis againn duit! Is féidir leat eolas a fháil faoi na deiseanna seo ar na bealaí seo a leanas: Cuardaigh deiseanna ag Déan-é.org Glaoigh orainn ar 01594 822073 Téigh i dteagmháil tríd ríomhphost Tar ar cuairt chugainn ag FVAF Luan - Aoine 9:00 - 1:00 ( Treoracha ) Má tá tú ag iarraidh obair dheonach a dhéanamh mar chuid de ghrúpa mór, mar shampla mar chuid den obair dheonach chorparáideach, tá raon leathan deiseanna againn freisin le roghnú astu. Get the latest volunteer opportunities - direct to your mailbox! Sign up to receive our regular email Volunteer Newsletter: SIGN UP HELP FOR GROUPS - recruiting & managing volunteers Mar ionad ilfhreastail do gach rud a bhaineann le hobair dheonach, bainimid úsáid as modheolaíocht ilghnéitheach chun an seans is fearr a thabhairt duit chun oibrithe deonacha luachmhara a earcú agus a choinneáil. Áirítear leis seo na nithe seo a leanas: Do dheiseanna a fhógairt ar Do dheiseanna a chur chun cinn do bhaill den phobal a chuirtear ar aghaidh chugainn nó tríd ár bhfeidhm buail isteach. Do dheiseanna a fhógairt ar ár leathanaigh Facebook agus Twitter Do dheiseanna a chur chun cinn do sheirbhísí áitiúla a thacaíonn le hobair dheonach Job Centre, LearnDirect agus 2GetherTrust Do dheiseanna a fhógairt ag níos mó ná 30 imeacht in aghaidh na bliana Do dheiseanna a sheoladh chuig gnólachtaí áitiúla a thairgeann obair dheonach arna thacú ag fostóirí Deiseanna ábhartha a chur chun cinn i Scoileanna, Coláistí agus Ollscoileanna Do dheiseanna a dháileadh ar ár mbunachar sonraí oibrithe deonacha de bhreis is 1,000 duine Do dheiseanna a chur chun cinn chuig líonraí éagsúla, Know Your Patch san áireamh As a one-stop-shop for all things volunteering, we can help you find, and keep, the perfect volunteer: Get in touch - call us on 01594 822073, via email or visit us at FVAF, Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road, Cinderford GL14 2AN (Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm)

  • NEW! Universal Youth Support | Mysite

    COMING SOON! Universal Youth Services We’re thrilled to announce our new partnership to bring Open Access Universal Youth Services to Gloucester and the Forest of Dean! Together with Gloucestershire Gateway Trust and The Venture Community Hub (TVCH), we’ve joined forces to make a real difference in the lives of young people. Guided by GGT, in the Forest of Dean FVAF will be leading on supporting a wide range of services for young people aged 11 to 19 (or up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities). Our youth services will be available to everyone, focusing on the needs of the local community to create a more connected, supported, and engaging youth sector. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to be part of something amazing! FIND OUT MORE ABOUT... Gloucestershire Gateway Trust The Venture Community Hub

  • HAF Fun | Mysite

    Summer Holiday Activities & Food We’ve teamed up with Gloucestershire Cou nty Counci l and arranged a packed timetable of FREE fun! The HAF programme is open to all school aged children, who live in the Forest of Dean, and who qualify for free school meals. If funding allows, s ometimes activities are extended and offered to all children and young people across Gloucestershire through the Holiday Activities Programme (HAP). There's something for eve ryone - we've got sports clubs, cooking, crafts, play sessions an d so much more... You need to be registered to book | All sessions mus t be pre bo oke d REGISTER HERE For information or support with the HAF Spring programme contact: or ring the HAF helpline on 01452 427960. BOOKING NOW OPEN! CHECK OUT THE TIMETABLE **PLEASE NOTE: You can only book 4 activities at a time - please wait 24 hours before you book again** For more information visit the Gloucestershire County Council website here

  • Forest Compass | Mysite

    Compás Foraoise Is eolaire fisiciúil agus ar líne é an Compás Foraoise a liostaíonn go leor de na gníomhaíochtaí rialta, grúpaí tacaíochta agus clubanna atá ar fáil ar fud Foraoise an Déin. Tá na céadta grúpa sóisialta agus gníomhaíochta de gach cineál san Fhoraois, ó ghrúpaí leanaí, trí chlubanna lóin, ó sheideanna fear go caiféanna cuimhne. Tá go leor acu saor in aisce nó ar chostas an-íseal le freastal orthu agus á reáchtáil ag oibrithe deonacha nó grúpaí neamhbhrabúis. Faraor tá go leor daoine a d’fhéadfadh leas a bhaint as grúpaí den sórt sin aineolach ar na deiseanna iontacha atá ar leac an dorais acu. Má reáchtálann tú gníomhaíocht dheonach, club nó grúpa tacaíochta i bhForaois an Déin déan fógairt in eolaire fisiciúil an Chompáis Fhoraoise agus san eolaire ar líne anseo, SAOR IN AISCE tríd an bhfoirm thíos a chomhlánú. Download OTHER USEFUL DIRECTORIES: YourCircle Check out a local directory to help you find your way around care and support and connect with people, places and activities in Gloucestershire

  • About FVAF | Mysite

    Maidir le FVAF Ár scéal Is sinne an Chomhairle um Sheirbhís Deonach agus an Lárionad Deonach um Fhoraois an Déin. Cuirimid cúnamh ar fáil do go leor de na céadta eagraíochtaí deonacha agus pobail sa Cheantar atá in ann a gcuid oibre a sheachadadh níos fearr sa phobal áitiúil agus ar a son. Ó bunaíodh muid i 1994 tá cáil bainte amach againn as gníomh pobail a spreagadh, a chuimsiú agus a fheabhsú ar fud Foraoise an Déin. Creidimid, trí chur chuige atá faoi stiúir an phobail, go gcuirimid ar chumas na saoránach scileanna, athléimneacht agus caipiteal sóisialta a fhorbairt chun saolta níos sona agus nasctha níos fearr a chaitheamh. Seirbhísí Oifige Foireann agus Iontaobhaithe Polasaithe Inrochtaineacht agus Inbhuanaitheacht

  • Forest Volunteer Awards | Mysite

    Volunteer Heroes Crowned! The community turned out in force on Wednesday 7 September to see local volunteers crowned at a glittering awards celebration evening we held at the AccXel Training Centre in Cinderford. We created the Forest Volunteer Awards to recognise and celebrate the amazing efforts of local volunteers in the Forest of Dean. Earlier this Summer, we asked local people to nominate those volunteer heroes who have demonstrated exceptional and outstanding support to the local community over the past 12 months. The response was amazing and we received hundreds of nominations. An expert panel had the tough task of shortlisting the nominations and picking the winners. However, one category - Volunteer of the Year – Peoples’ Champion – was decided by a public vote with almost 900 votes cast. The winners were crowned at a special evening, held at the stunning conference space at the impressive AccXel Training Centre, which was provided for free to FVAF by local construction company the KW Bell Group, who were the main sponsors of the event. Volunteer of the Year went to Les Cockle, volunteer fundraiser at Great Oaks Hospice whilst Forest of Dean Host Ukrainians and Ukraine Community Hub jointly picked up the Community Voluntary Group of the Year. Young volunteers were celebrated with Keira Stone, volunteer at disability group, Together We Can crowed under 16 years old Young Volunteer of the Year, whilst in the 17 – 25 years old category, Chloe Whatley and Jordan Terrel were rewarded for their tireless hard work volunteering at the Sea Cadets in Lydney. Lisa Tootell was crowned Outstanding New Volunteer of the Year for her amazing impact for the Girl Guides in the Forest of Dean and Hips Social were recognised for supporting the local community and investing in improving the local area. The winners were presented with an award, a framed certificate and £100 Amazon voucher, kindly provided by sponsors the KW Bell Group. Deb Cook, Volunteering Manager at FVAF said “So much of what happens within our community is because of people who give their time and energy for free. We think that recognising the amazing efforts of volunteers and organisations is incredibly important which is why we have been so pleased by the reaction of the local people who have supported these awards by nominating and voting.” Deb added, “It has been an incredible evening and we are so lucky and proud of the strength of the amazing voluntary sector we have in the Forest.” Master of Ceremony for the Forest Volunteer Awards was Kate Clark, BBC Radio Gloucestershire presenter who kept the guests entertained with her expert hosting skills. Award winners were announced by guest presenter; Roger Deeks (FVAF Trustee), Nicola Bird and Yvonne Bell (KW Bell and main sponsor), Sue Middleton (Verderer of the Forest of Dean), Andy Lewis MBE (PT2 Para triathlete), Neill Ricketts (Founder of Versarien and chair the Forest of Dean Economic Partnership). The celebration evening was made possible thanks to generous sponsorship for the following local organisations: KW Bell Group and AccXel Training Centre – main sponsors Hot Tubs Rock Versarien The Midcounties Co- Operative FOREST VOLUNTEER AWARD WINNERS: Volunteer of the Year – Peoples’ Champion WINNER: Les Cockle – Great Oaks Hospice Highly Commended: Hannah McGowan (FOD Hosts of Ukrainians Support Group), Martin Elsmore (The Golden Triangle Club), Steve Gregory (FVAF / Walking with Wheels) and Mark Jones (Community First Responder SWASFT) Community Voluntary Group of the Year WINNER: FOD Hosts of Ukrainians Support Group and Ukraine Community Hub Highly Commended: Together We Can, Newnham Archery Club, Dean Radio, The Friends of Longhope Church and The Rewild Project Outstanding New Volunteer WINNER: Lisa Tootell – Girlguiding FOD South Division Highly Commended: Sarah Maxfield – Berry Hill Memorial Institute Young Volunteer of the Year 16yrs & under WINNER: Keira Stone – Together We Can Highly Commended: Toby Niblett – Lydney Youth Hub Young Volunteer of the Year 17 – 25yrs JOINT WINNERS: Jordan Terrell and Chloe Whatley – FOD Sea Cadets Community Impact Award WINNER: HIPs Social Highly Commended: Recycle Shop CIC Newent and Wilde Earth Journeys

  • Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality P | Mysite

    Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership The Locality Partnership offers VCS and faith-based organisations the opportunity to meet with other professionals and voluntary groups who are supporting people with their mental health in the Forest of Dean. The Partnership is a collective of social care practitioners who are working towards a community response to the My Networks scoping project findings. By coming together, we hope to keep abreast of developments, begin partnership projects or create collaborative opportunities that can address what is needed for better mental health in the Forest of Dean. We are now an integral part of the wider Forest Know Your Patch network. Regular online meetings as well as live, in-person events are held where topics and projects are discussed and highlighted. As well as this, the FKYP works closely with other statutory organisations offering a platform to disseminate up-to-date information about services available in the community.

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