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  • Publications | Mysite

    Our publications Forest Compass Edition 2 FVAF Annual Report 2022/23 FVAF Annual Report 2021/22 Insights into the Experience of commissioning for small VCSE organisations in the Forest of Dean By Chris Brown My Networks publications My Networks Scoping Project Report, Oct 2022 by Simon Price Supporting documents: Mental Health Scoping Project – Survey Results Co-production – How we facilitated My Networks Scoping Report Useful community publications The Digital Divides Report and Recommendations By Digital Divides Steering Group Learnings from the Forest By Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership (FODCAP), Holding The Space, Thirty Percy, and CCRI.

  • Foresters' Forest | Mysite

    Bosbouers se Bos Vrywillig by Foresters' Forest Besoek die Foresters' Forest Webwerf Teken in vir die Foresters' Forest-nuusbrief Ons is 'n Nasionale Lotery Erfenisfonds Landskapvennootskapprogram, gevorm uit 'n vereniging van vennootorganisasies en plaaslike gemeenskapsgroepe binne die Forest of Dean. Ons doel is om bewustheid en deelname aan die geboude, natuurlike en kulturele erfenis te verhoog wat ons Bos spesiaal maak. ​ Daar is baie dinge om te sien, te doen, te verken en by betrokke te raak, so ons hoop jy sal by ons kom aansluit by 'n reeks aktiwiteite, vrywilligersgeleenthede en geleenthede. Vir verdere inligting besoek asseblief ons toegewyde webwerf . ​ Maar in 'n neutedop is die Bosbouers se Bos-program gebaseer op vyf temas: Ons Vesting vir die Natuur, Verken ons Bos, Onthul ons verlede, Vier ons Bos, Beveilig ons toekoms. Elkeen van hierdie temas het 'n reeks projekte wat ons erfenis ontbloot, deel en vier. Daar is baie geleenthede vir jou om betrokke te raak om te leer oor en ons spesiale woud te beskerm, so ons hoop jy sal by ons kom aansluit! Ontmoet 'n paar van ons vrywilligers Gevallestudie David Chaloner David doen vrywilligers by The Foresters' Forest Conservation Grazing-projek, gelei deur Gloucestershire... Lees meer Gevallestudie Gwynneth Weaver Ek het 'n paar fantastiese ervarings met die Foresters' Forest Archaeology Project gehad. Die grawe het... Lees meer Gevallestudie Keith Walker Neem deel aan die klein vrywillige span wat getaak is om Scarr Bandstand te red en 'n platform te bied vir... Lees meer

  • Copy of Home | Mysite

    NEW Welcome Group comes to Coleford ​ Intergenerational social group to help support young people with disabilities MONDAY 15 AUGUST Read More Frequently visited pages: COMMUNITY HUBS VOLUNTEER ADVICE FOREST YOUTH ASSOCIATION Wat is FVAF? FVAF staan vir Forest Voluntary Action Forum. Ons bied ondersteuning aan plaaslike burgers, gemeenskapsgroepe en aktiwiteite om die dinge te doen wat vir hulle die meeste saak maak. Dit sluit die volgende in: ​ ondersteuning en ontwikkelingsadvies opleiding inligting netwerkvergaderings verteenwoordiging te fasiliteer vrywillige werwing vrywilliger plasing en ondersteuning ​ Ons bedryf ook baie projekte saam met en vir die plaaslike gemeenskap, soos die Forest of Dean Jeugvereniging, Vakansie-aktiwiteitsveldtogte, The Forest Youth Music Network, The GEM Project, The Forest Compass Directory, Walking with Wheels en vele meer. Kyk na ons Projekte-bladsy vir volledige besonderhede. ​ "Bou sterker gemeenskappe in die Bos van Dean" Vind meer uit JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Get the latest community news and check out exciting volunteering opportunity in or around the Forest of Dean... Gaan na Facebook Useful publications: FREE directory of the many volunteering opportunities available locally... DOWNLOAD Ons Vennote We work with so many amazing and supportive partners. Find out more here...

  • Community Connectors Feedback Form | Mysite

    COMMUNITY CONNECTORS’ FORUM/KNOW YOUR PATCH NETWORK In-person event 14 June 2022 at The Wesley, Cinderford Event Feedback \ Thank you for participating in our event! Tell us what you thought about it. Name & organisation Please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 is the most negative and 10 the most positive What was your overall impression of the day? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What was your experience of the speakers? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please share any comments about your overall impression of the day and the speakers What was your experience of the activities? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please share any comments about the activities What was your experience of the refreshments? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Was there anything else that you feel could have been provided? What would you like to see in future events? Suggested speakers/format etc Your email Send Feedback Thanks for your feedback!

  • FVAF Community Celebration & AGM 2023 | Mysite

    FVAF Community Celebration & AGM 2023 MONDAY 11 December 2023 | 11AM - 2PM Ow Bis - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road GL14 2AN We are inviting the whole community to join us in celebrating the work FVAF has done over the last 12 months for, and with communities across the Forest of Dean. Come along and check out our fantastic new community space Ow Bist. PLUS, test run our new training and conference area at one of the fun and informative workshops we will be hosting. ​ Refreshments and a delicious buffet lunch will be provided. ​ Places are limited - please book your ticket ASAP ​ BOOK YOUR TICKET ​ ​ READ THE AGM NOTICE & AGENDA BELOW: ​

  • What we do | Mysite

    What we do We support many community-led projects shaped with, and for local people: ​ Employment and skills support Holiday Activity and Food Programme Community Builders Forest of Dean Youth Association Walking with Wheels Know Your Patch Forest Compass

  • Mycelium | Mysite

    Mycelium My Networks Mental Health Project Mycelium - Forest Mental Health Project Structure The Forest Community of Practice Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership Recovery and Wellbeing Café The Resources Hub & Library The Forest Community of Practice ​ Monthly face-to-face learning collaborative, reflective practice & peer supervision. 2nd Tuesday each month. The Forest Community of Practice is for individuals working and volunteering with members of our community where support for mental health is a significant part of their role. This has been set up in response to the My Networks Scoping Project. ​ Many local social care practitioners stated that they wished to receive ongoing support to develop reflective practice, link with others and build skills that would help them to become more confident responding to mental distress, particularly with the increasing complexities that they were coming across in their roles. ​ The C of P will be supported by clinicians, professionals and lived experience practitioners from the VCS & NHS who have been involved in the Community Mental Health Transformation programme. It will provide an opportunity for collaborative learning, peer supervision and professional development. We hope a community of Forest mental health practitioners will emerge from these sessions. If you, or a mental health champion from your team, are interested and able to join us, please get in touch. ​ Please get in touch if you have any questions or want the most current information about scheduling details - or text 07394 945046 ​ Forest of Dean Mental Health Locality Partnership The Locality Partnership offers VCS and faith-based organisations the opportunity to meet with other professionals and voluntary groups who are supporting people with their mental health in the Forest of Dean. The Partnership is a collective of social care practitioners who are working towards a community response to the My Networks scoping project findings. By coming together, we hope to keep abreast of developments, begin partnership projects or create collaborative opportunities that can address what is needed for better mental health in the Forest of Dean. ​ We are now an integral part of the wider Forest Know Your Patch network. Regular online meetings as well as live, in-person events are held where topics and projects are discussed and highlighted. As well as this, the FKYP works closely with other statutory organisations offering a platform to disseminate up-to-date information about services available in the community. Recovery & Wellbeing Café “A Community Created Curriculum of Curious Conversations” Weekly Face-to-Face Discussions & Recovery Educational Sessions ​ Each Wednesday (Term Time) at Café 16 in Coleford from 6-8pm. ​ “A safe space to create who you are, not be told what to think.” ​ Join conversations with a diverse range of people with professional & lived experience of different subjects, local people who have gained understandings about the impact current concerns have upon mental health, recovery and wellbeing. ​ We are building a supportive space where, as critical friends, we can learn together and support each other with our individual understandings. ​ All curious & compassionate folk welcome. Recovery & Wellbeing Café - Current Programme The Resource Hub, Research Room & Lived Experience Library Leaflets & literature on wellness, recovery, self-help & coping with mental distress. ​ The group office, based above the Library at The Main Place in Coleford, is available for members to use as a safe and confidential space. We keep material that may be of use to members – and we are happy for people to provide us with leaflets that they would like shared. ​ To read the My Networks Scoping Project Report please visit:

  • Forest Know your Patch | Mysite

    Community Connectors' Forum - Ken jou Patch Network Supporting Strong and Thriving Communities with Know Your Patch Ondersteun sterk en florerende gemeenskappe met Know Your Patch ​ Know Your Patch-deel van die Community Connectors Forum (CCF) verbind die Vrywilligers- en Gemeenskapsektor, Statutêre Dienste en plaaslike inwoners op 'n manier wat beter maniere van werk skep. Die Forest of Dean Know Your Patch Network is ontwerp om die Vrywilligers- en Gemeenskapsektor, Statutêre Dienste en plaaslike inwoners te verbind op 'n manier wat beter maniere van werk skep wat uiteindelik ons gemeenskappe versterk. Hierdie 'gemeenskapsaanbod' is veral noodsaaklik om die eskalasie van gesondheidsbehoeftes te voorkom of te vertraag. ​ Ons bied kwartaallikse geleenthede regdeur die Forest of Dean aan waar ons belanghebbendes nooi om deel te neem aan die gesprek oor wat saak maak in hul gemeenskap en hoe dienste en vrywillige sektorgroepe dit kan help ondersteun. Elke Know Your Patch-geleentheid is GRATIS en oop vir enigiemand wat deel van die gesprek wil wees. As jy dit wil bywoon, skakel asseblief by 01594 822073 of e-pos . ​ Ons stuur ook gereelde e-posse en opdaterings aan ons Know Your Patch Network oor wat in die Forest of Dean aangaan. As jy by hierdie netwerk wil aansluit, teken asseblief in hier . ​ Danksy befondsing van Gloucestershire County Council , Know Your Patch is ook beskikbaar in elke ander distrik in Gloucestershire. As jy meer hieroor wil uitvind, besoek gerus hier . ​ Hier is van die navorsing wat ons denke onderstreep: "Ons het almal 'n rol om te speel om individue en gemeenskappe te help om sosiale kapitaal te ontwikkel. Daar is toenemende erkenning dat alhoewel benadeelde sosiale groepe en gemeenskappe 'n reeks komplekse en interverwante behoeftes het, hulle ook bates op sosiale en gemeenskapsvlak het. wat kan help om gesondheid te verbeter en veerkragtigheid teen gesondheidsprobleme te versterk" (The Kings Fund, 2018) "Diegene met voldoende sosiale verhoudings het 'n 50 persent groter oorlewingsyfer in vergelyking met individue met swak sosiale verhoudings" (Holt-Lunstad et al 2010) Daar is getoon dat sosiale netwerke net so kragtige voorspellers van mortaliteit is as algemene lewenstyl en kliniese risiko's soos matige rook, oormatige alkoholverbruik, vetsug en hoë cholesterol en bloeddruk" (Pantell et al 2013; Holt-Lunstad et al, 2010) . "Sosiale ondersteuning is veral belangrik in die verhoging van veerkragtigheid en die bevordering van herstel van siekte" (Pevalin en Rose, 2003) "Die gebrek aan sosiale netwerke en ondersteuning maak dit moeiliker om gedrag self te reguleer en mettertyd wilskrag en veerkragtigheid op te bou, wat lei tot betrokkenheid by ongesonde gedrag" (Cacioppo en Patrick 2009). "Gemeenskapsdeelname verminder isolasie, uitsluiting en eensaamheid" (Farrell en Bryant 2009; Sevigny et al 2010; Ryan-Collins et al 2008) "Sterk sosiale kapitaal verbeter die kanse om lewenstylrisiko's soos rook te vermy" (Folland 2008; Brown et al, 2006)

  • Community Hubs | Mysite

    Gemeenskapbouers se inloop-hubs The drop-in hub provides support to create, inspire and build stronger communities together Die inloop-spilpunt bied ondersteuning om saam sterker gemeenskappe te skep, te inspireer en te bou ​ Elke inloer-spilpunt bied 'n verskeidenheid ondersteuning, advies en leiding vir plaaslike inwoners. Byvoorbeeld; ondersteuning en plasing van tekens aan plaaslike dienste, skakel en nuwe opstel gemeenskapsgroepe, wat mense ondersteun om nader aan werk of verdere onderwys te kom, help om toegang tot die digitale wêreld te kry en ondersteuning om jou idees vir die gemeenskap tot lewe te bring. Ons kan hulp bied met: ​ Vrywilligerswerk geleenthede Ondersteuning vir indiensneming Plaaslike aktiwiteitsgroepe en klubs IT en digitale ondersteuning Plaaslike gebeurtenis inligting Teken plasing na plaaslike dienste For dates, times and locations for up coming FVAF Community Drop-in Hubs, contact Alex on or call the FVAF office on 01594 822073.

  • Accessibility and Sustainability | Mysite

    Toeganklikheid en Volhoubaarheid Kantoordienste Personeel en Trustees Beleide Toeganklikheid en Volhoubaarheid PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Check back soon...

  • Digital Inclusion | Mysite

    Digitale innovasie Dit word algemeen erken dat mense regoor die Forest of Dean digitaal uitgesluit voel. FVAF, in samewerking met Gloucestershire County Council, Digital Unite en IT Schools Africa werk hard om hierdie hindernisse af te breek. ​ Deur 'n groep Digitale Kampioene op te lei en 'n aantal 'pop-up' digitale drop-in-sessies rondom die Forest of Dean te bedryf, hoop ons dat jy diegene kan ondersteun wat hul digitale vaardighede wil verbeter, of dit nou is om te leer hoe om te maak video-oproepe na geliefdes, betaal rekeninge aanlyn, stuur e-pos of woon virtuele klasse by. Benewens die 'pop-up'-opleidingsentrums, sal ons binnekort 'n digitale opleidingsuite in ons gemeenskapsgebou in Cinderford installeer. ​ Ons sal ook saam met GRCC en plaaslike dorpsale werk om hul digitale infrastruktuur te verbeter om beter konnektiwiteit in landelike gemeenskappe te verskaf. ​ As jy belangstel om 'n Digitale Kampioen te word en ander te ondersteun, kontak asseblief Nick Penny per e-pos by IT Skole Afrika Digitale kampioene GRCC

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