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  • Volunteers' Week Roadshow 2024 | Mysite

    Join our roadshow! Volunteer Week 2024 3-8 June We’re hitting the road again this year to celebrate Volunteers’ Week 2024! Volunteers' Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make, across the UK, through volunteering in their communities. In the first week of June (3-8), we will be taking our community engagement vehicle out and about across the Forest of Dean, promoting and celebrating all things volunteering. If you’re a local group or organisation who needs volunteers and would like the opportunity to promote what you do to the local community, we’re inviting you to join us. From 10am -2pm we will be in: ​ Wednesday 5 June LYDNEY - Taurus Crafts, The Old Park Park, Aylburton, Lydney GL15 6BU Thursday 6 June CINDERFORD - Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road GL14 2AN Friday 7 June COLEFORD - The Clocktower, Market Place GL16 8AW Saturday 8 June NEWENT - Newent Market Hall, Broad Street ​ If you’d like to join us, please let us know by 31 May. BOOK YOUR PLACE **PLUS pop along and pick up the latest editions of our popular publications ‘Volunteering in the Forest of Dean’ and ‘Forest Compass’. Can’t make it? We’re happy to take along any flyers/leaflets/poster/giveaways to promote your group or organisation – just drop them into the FVAF office at Ow Bist - Forest Community Centre, Dockham Road, Cinderford GL14 2AN (located in the Tesco carpark) by 4pm Friday 31 May.

  • Volunteering | Mysite

    Vrywilligerswerk As die vrywilligersentrum vir die Forest of Dean is ons hier om jou te help om vrywilligers te werf en te bestuur Ons nuwe vrywilligerswerk boekie gevul met besonderhede van plaaslike vrywilligerswerk geleenthede is nou uit KLIK OM AF TE LAAI Of gaan haal 'n kopie by jou plaaslike biblioteek of gemeenskapsentrum As die vrywilligersentrum vir die Bos van Dean ons is dikwels die eerste kontakpunt vir enigiemand wat in vrywilligerswerk belangstel. Verlede jaar was ons trots om meer as 100 000 uur se vrywilligerswerk in die area te ondersteun! ​ FVAF bevorder en adverteer 'n wye reeks vrywilligersgeleenthede van organisasies wat ons etos deel om vrywilligers te ondersteun en die wye verskeidenheid redes erken waarom mense kies om vrywilligers te doen. ​ Hoekom vrywilliger wees? Vrywilligerswerk hou 'n aantal groot voordele in, nie net vir jou individueel nie, maar vir jou gemeenskap en die wêreld waarin ons leef. As jy jou CV wil verbeter, nuwe mense wil ontmoet, jou vaardighede goed wil gebruik, iets nuuts wil leer, 'n belangstelling wil najaag, ervaring aanbied of bloot 'n verskil wil maak, is ons gewaarborg om 'n geleentheid vir jou te hê! ​ Jy kan op die volgende maniere uitvind oor hierdie geleenthede: Soek geleenthede by Bel ons by 01594 822073 Kontak via e-pos Kom besoek ons by FVAF Ma - Vr 9:00 - 1:00 ( Aanwysings ) ​ As jy op soek is na vrywilligers as deel van 'n groot groep, byvoorbeeld as deel van korporatiewe vrywilligerswerk, dan het ons ook 'n wye verskeidenheid geleenthede om van te kies. Get the latest volunteer opportunities - direct to your mailbox! Sign up to receive our regular email Volunteer Newsletter: SIGN UP HELP FOR GROUPS - recruiting & managing volunteers As 'n eenstopwinkel vir alles wat vrywilligers doen, gebruik ons 'n veelsydige metodologie om jou die beste moontlike kans te gee om waardevolle vrywilligers te werf en te behou. Dit sluit die volgende in: Adverteer jou geleenthede op Bevordering van jou geleenthede aan lede van die publiek wat na ons verwys is of via ons inloerfunksie. Adverteer jou geleenthede op ons Facebook- en Twitter-bladsye Bevorder jou geleenthede aan plaaslike dienste wat vrywilligerswerk ondersteun, bv. Job Centre, LearnDirect en 2GetherTrust Adverteer jou geleenthede by meer as 30 geleenthede per jaar Stuur jou geleenthede aan plaaslike besighede wat werkgewerondersteunde vrywilligerswerk aanbied Bevordering van relevante geleenthede aan skole, kolleges en universiteite Verspreiding van jou geleenthede na ons vrywilligersdatabasis van meer as 1 000 mense Bevorder jou geleenthede na 'n verskeidenheid netwerke, insluitend Know Your Patch As a one-stop-shop for all things volunteering, we can help you find, and keep, the perfect volunteer: Get in touch - call us on 01594 822073, via email or visit us at FVAF, Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road, Cinderford GL14 2AN (Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm)

  • HAF Fun | Mysite

    Summer Holiday Activities & Food We’ve teamed up with Gloucestershire Cou nty Counci l and arranged a packed timetable of FREE fun! ​ The HAF programme is open to all school aged children, who live in the Forest of Dean, and who qualify for free school meals. ​ If funding allows, s ometimes activities are extended and offered to all children and young people across Gloucestershire through the Holiday Activities Programme (HAP). ​ There's something for eve ryone - we've got sports clubs, cooking, crafts, play sessions an d so much more... You need to be registered to book | All sessions mus t be pre bo oke d REGISTER HERE For information or support with the HAF Spring programme contact: or ring the HAF helpline on 01452 427960. BOOKING NOW OPEN! CHECK OUT THE TIMETABLE **PLEASE NOTE: You can only book 4 activities at a time - please wait 24 hours before you book again** For more information visit the Gloucestershire County Council website here

  • Gwynneth Weaver | Mysite

    Gevallestudie: Gwynneth Walker Ons het 'n paar jaar gelede na die Bos verhuis en omdat ek heeltemal nuut was in die area, het ek begin om by klubs aan te sluit en uit te gaan om mense te ontmoet. Ek het eendag by my Boekklub gehoor hoe iemand Bosbouersbos noem en dat daar 'n Argeologieprojek is. Ek het gedink: "Klink interessant, ek sal dit doen!" Dit was tydens die ontwikkelingstadium van Foresters' Forest in 2015 en ek is sedertdien betrokke. Ek het 'n paar fantastiese ervarings deur die projek gehad. Ek het aan die LIDAR-data-opname gewerk, aan drie argeologiese opgrawings deelgeneem en het onlangs betrokke geraak by 'n projek wat ondersoek instel na Palmers Flat waar ek woon. Ek geniet hierdie navorsing om saam met 'n vriend te werk wat naby woon, en ons vind fassinerende inligting oor ons omgewing uit. Ek kon al baie verskillende tegnieke gebruik, soos rekenaarnavorsing na afkoms en kyk na argiewe en kaarte. Van hierdie navorsing was ek reeds mee bekend, maar dit is interessant om te sien hoe dit alles saamgevoeg word in 'n prentjie van die verlede. Ek het dit baie lonend gevind om die LIDAR-opmeting te leer doen. Dit kan 'n bietjie moeilik wees, maar dit verander regtig die manier waarop jy na die landskap kyk vir altyd. Ek sien nou oral kenmerke wat my help om die klein steengroewe, myne en trempaaie te herken wat eens oral versprei was. Dit was opwindend om 'n houtskoolplatform by Birchhill te vind. Daar is eintlik baie van hulle in die Bos en ek kry hulle waar ek ook al gaan. Die grawe was so 'n plesier om aan deel te neem. Om saam met ander vrywilligers en kundiges te werk het my soveel geleer. Dit is so 'n spesiale gevoel om dinge te ontbloot wat vir so 'n lang tyd nie deur menslike oë gesien is nie. Ek en 'n ander vrywilliger was gelukkig genoeg om 'n stuk middeleeuse pottebakkery by die Yorkley Dig te vind. Die gevoel toe ons iets anders tussen die aarde raaksien, was opwindend. Dan wegskraap en geleidelik 'n stukkie van die verlede openbaar met mense wat gretig wag om te sien wat ons gevind het – dit was so 'n wonderlike ervaring! Vrywilligerswerk aan die projek was vol positiewe aspekte. Ek het vriende gemaak, soos Cathy saam met wie ek aan die navorsingsprojek werk en Elaine en David saam met wie ek aan die LIDAR-projek werk. Dit voel wonderlik om betrokke te wees by iets wat gaan oor die versorging van die Forest of Dean en om dit spesiaal te hou vir toekomstige geslagte. Meer as enigiets, om deel te neem aan 'n argeologiese opgrawing was iets wat ek al van my universiteitsdae af wou doen, en uiteindelik deur Foresters' Forest gaan ek daardie droom verwesenlik. Werk vrywillig by Foresters' Forest Besoek Foresters' Forest Webwerf Teken in op Foresters' Forest-nuusbrief

  • Become a Member | Mysite

    Word lid van FVAF Deur 'n lid van FVAF te word, help jy ons om voort te gaan om 'n noodsaaklike ondersteuningsdiens aan die vrywilligers- en gemeenskapsektor in die Bos van Dean . ​ FVAF tree op as 'n voorstander vir vrywillige en gemeenskapsoptrede waar toepaslik op distriks-, land- en nasionale vlak, en hoe meer lede ons verteenwoordig, hoe sterker is ons stem. Lede word dus geraadpleeg oor sake wat 'n impak het op die vrywilligers- en gemeenskapsektor in die Forest of Dean en wat ons as organisasie beoog om te bereik. ​ As 'n lid sal jy toegang geniet tot ons kantoordienste, verlaagde druk- en kopieertariewe, die bevordering van vrywillige vakatures vir jou groep, en gratis huur van 'n reeks kantoortoerusting. Dit sluit in: Vertoonborde Gehoorlus Digitale projektor en skerm PA stelsel Blaaikaarte Lang opvoutafel Warmwater spyseniering urn Gazebo (£5 skenking vereis) ​ As jy 'n FVAF-lid wil word, klik asseblief op die Sluit aan by FVAF-knoppie aan die regterkant en voltooi die vorm. Vir verdere besonderhede skakel 01594 822073 Dit is GRATIS om 'n lid van FVAF te word om toegang tot al ons ondersteuningsdienste te kry Sluit aan by FVAF

  • Keith Walker | Mysite

    Gevallestudie: Keith Walker Geskiedenis is een van my groot passies. Ek woon sedert 1985 in die Bos en het dit my missie gemaak om myself in die plaaslike erfenis te verdiep. Ek is 'n aktiewe lid van die Forest of Dean Local History Society (LHS) en daardeur het ek bewus geword van Foresters' Forest. Die LHS is nou verbind met die program en toe Foresters' Forest 'n 'Story of the Forest' nodig gehad het wat vir die webwerf geskryf is, het ons graag gehelp. Ek het sedertdien kontak met hulle behou. Ek het baie jare gelede Scarr Bandstand raakgeloop en was baie getref deur hierdie monolitiese, oorgroeide struktuur, maar het dit in my agterkop geplaas tot in 2015, toe ek gehoor het dat Bosboukommissie die publiek aanmoedig om die webwerf te gebruik (wat begin het om onveilig te word) of dit sal gesloop moet word. Wel, om die tipe mens te wees wat ek is, het dit my opgewonde gemaak! Ek het dit gehaat om te dink dat hierdie openbare gerief vir altyd verlore gaan. Wat gevolg het, was 'n liefdesarbeid deur 'n klein vrywillige span, wat vasbeslote was om hierdie ongeliefde en ongebruikte struktuur in 'n suksesvolle venue te omskep. Dit was nie alles lekker nie. Daar was baie vergaderings en baie harde werk om die bandstand skoon te maak en te herstel. Maar 'n paar jaar later en ons het twee suksesvolle seisoene van musiek en uitvoering gehad, en hierdie projek om een van die Bosbouers se Bos-projekte te word, was 'n ongelooflike hulp. En daar was soveel om te geniet deur my vrywilligerswerk vir hierdie projek. Ek is trots op die feit dat ons werk 'n platform verskaf het vir plaaslike blaasorkes om op te tree, wat hierdie belangrike deel van die Bos se erfenis ondersteun. Dit was ook opwindend om toer-teaterproduksies na die area te kon inbring. Om deel te neem het 'n groot beroep op my belangstelling in geskiedenis. Ek kon navorsing doen oor die verlede van die webwerf en het dit geniet om ou foto's te soek. Maar ek het soveel meer daaruit as dit! Ek geniet dit om deel te wees van 'n hegte span wat saamwerk om 'n gemeenskaplike doel te bereik en ek tel nou baie van diegene met wie ek saamgewerk het as goeie vriende. Daar is ook 'n groot bevrediging om 'n oomblik te neem om net te kyk hoe mense hulself geniet by een van ons geleenthede. Dit was baie harde werk, maar gee my 'n geweldige gevoel van prestasie. Tye soos om terug te stap van parkeerdiens af om te hoor hoe AW Parker Drybrook Band die James Bond-tema-deuntjie uitblaas, is van my gunsteling-oomblikke, wat die plek tot lewe sien kry – net wonderlik! Daar is baie meer vir ons om te doen. Ons wil befondsing kry om die tydelike dak met 'n permanente een te vervang. Ons moet ook meer werk aan naamborde, berging, paaie, borgskap ... en die uiteindelike einddoel: volhoubaarheid. Ek gaan elke minuut daarvan geniet en 'n lang toekoms sien vir hierdie besonderse stukkie geskiedenis wat vir toekomstige geslagte bewaar is. Werk vrywillig by Foresters' Forest Besoek Foresters' Forest Webwerf Teken in op Foresters' Forest-nuusbrief

  • Employment & skills support | Mysite

    Employment Skills Support Ready to take your next steps towards further education, volunteering or work? Go along to your nearest Community Hub for 121 conversations with our friendly Community Builders. They can help: Explore what matters to you Develop your CV Signposting to education, training and employment Consider volunteering opportunities Increase your confidence for online searches, applications, interviews Take up opportunities to get involved in your local community For more information please contact: or 01594 822073

  • Green Impact | Mysite

    Our Green Impact Our Statement of Intent At a time of ongoing critical assessment as to how the resources of the world are being employed in economic and social activity, it is essential that all involved with Forest Voluntary Action Forum (FVAF) have a clear understanding as to how its work can impact on the environment. We accept responsibility for our actions and commit to working towards reducing any harmful effects it may have on the environment. It is also understood that, as a leader in the Forest of Dean voluntary and community sector, we have a responsibility to manifest best practice. ​ We will use, as its guiding principles - in order of priority – the need to: ​ REPAIR RE-USE REDUCE RECYCLE ​ Our policy describes how FVAF will implement practices that will minimalize the impact of its work on the environment. FVAF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Gold Award from the GEM NUS-Green Impact challenge GEM NUS Green Imapct Gold Award Certificate NUS Green Imapct Community Award Certificate In our first year taking part in the GEM NUS Green Impact Challenge , we were delighted to achieve a Gold Award. This UN award winning programme is designed to support and challenge organisations to look at the way they work and ensure that the practices they follow are as environmentally and socially sustainable as possible. The challenge was set as part of the *GEM Project’s partnership and our joint commitment to living sustainably and minimising our impact on the environment. Working together as a team, we shared ideas and encouraged lifestyle changes in the following areas: use of water and energy travel – work and personal recycling reducing and dealing with waste upcycling, freecycling unused goods using sustainable products encouraging biodiversity Other creative ideas from the team included making bird feeders from broken tree branches, a homemade recipe for a cleaning product, donations to local charity shops. ​ * The Going the Extra Mile Project (GEM) is an employability and social inclusion project supporting the most disadvantaged communities and individuals furthest from the labour market to find or get closer to employment. It is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund as part of a national programme Building Better Opportunities.

  • NHS Survey 2023 PC | Mysite

    Community Engagement - NHS assets and services We are currently carrying out community engagement work in the Forest of Dean seeking information about the use of NHS assets and services. We would very much appreciate it if you could help provide information as part of this exercise. ​ We hope you will be able to provide answers to a few questions in a survey that should only take a few minutes to complete. Community Engagement Survey: Parish Councils First name Last name Email Job title Organisation/Group Continue

  • Volunteer Awards Nomination Form 2024 | Mysite

    NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN! CLOSING DATE: MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 14 JULY 2024 Forest Volunteer Awards 2024 Nomination Form FOREST VOLUNTEER AWARDS 2024 Please select in which category you would like to nominate the individual or group. Your Volunteer of the Year Young Volunteer of the Year 16yrs & under Young Volunteer of the Year 17 – 21yrs Community Organisation of the Year Grassroots Award - Voluntary Group of the Year ESV Business in the Community Award FoD Dementia Action Alliance Accessibility & Inclusion Award Nominee details Name of the volunteer/group being nominated: Name of the organisation or group linked to the nominee (for individual nominees only) Volunteer role or role of group Contact details for nominee (email and telephone) Reason for nomination - please provide a brief description which outlines why you think this individual or group stands out. What makes them special and worthy of being celebrated? Your details Your name Your email address Your telephone number ​ Photographs – if you have any photographs please send them to Submit Thank you for taking the time nominate!

  • Trustee vacancies | Mysite

    Current Opportunities Many local organisations, across the Forest of Dean, are currently looking for trustees with a variety of skills & experience: LYDNEY DIAL-A-RIDE Lydney Dial-a-Ride is a friendly door-to-door transport service for those people who do not have their own transport and are unable to use public transport. They operate a fleet of fully accessible minibuses capable of carrying wheelchair passengers and other seated passengers. ​ Trustee role: They are looking for people who have HR experience, managing a small to medium organisation or wishing to make a difference in their local community. The Trustees meet every other month and keep in regular contact via email and telephone. Chat | 01594 843809 EARLYBIRDS PLAYGROUP Earlybirds Playgroup are a local charity-based playgroup offering education for early years children from 2 to 4 years old. Established in January 1999, it is the aim of the committee and staff to keep it running successfully for many more years. Located in Cinderford in the Forest of Dean, all members of staff are qualified to a high level and have many years of experience of working within young children; they attend regular safeguarding, first aid and continuing professional development training which allows them to support each child in their development and well-being. Trustee role: Currently that have a committee with 7 trustees but are looking to expand and would welcome anyone with IT skills, finance, marketing, or legal along with anyone with an interest in early years education. Chat or 07553215307 ST BRIAVELS ASSEMBLY ROOMS The St Briavels Assembly Rooms are a village hall built for the benefit of the parishioners of St Briavels, Hewelsfield and Brockweir. The Rooms consist of a main hall with stage, a bar/cafe area a commercial kitchen, a meeting room/office and a walled courtyard. Activities at the Rooms include lettings to local groups and private individuals, a regular tearoom, events with a bar, a produce market and a 100 Club lottery. Trustees meet about every 6 weeks, or about 8 times a year. The Trustees, who are not remunerated, also volunteer as much as they can and are supported by a team of community volunteers who help to deliver the key services. Trustee role: Looking for Trustees who can contribute knowledge, expertise and volunteer time especially in the following areas: Event management: co-ordinating the creation and delivery of an annual programme of events Minutes Secretary: taking minutes at Trustee meetings. Chat LOVE DRYBROOK TRUST The Love Drybrook Trust raises money through trading at the Shop on the Cross in the centre of Drybrook. This is a charity shop run by enthusiastic volunteers and selling mainly to local people. They also offer a small coffee and chat area within the shop. Money raised is distributed primarily once a year and when specific requests are received - these may be from individuals and families or community groups. Trustee role: They would value new trustees who could bring experience to any aspects of what they do and who are keen to support the local community. The trust has firm Christian foundations and seeks to share that faith practically by supporting local people, especially the most vulnerable, in a variety of ways. Chat Revd. Clare Edwards, 01594 726318 HOPE SUPPORT SERVICES About: Hope Support Services is a charity providing support to Children and Young People experiencing a health crisis within their family or with someone who is significant to them. Based in Ross-on-Wye but cover all of Herefordshire with in person support, and provide online support nationally. Trustee role: They are looking for a talented, passionate individual to join the board as their new Finance Trustee. Chat Find our more HERE FOREST SENSORY SERVICES Forest Sensory Services is a small friendly charity, who provides support to those with sensory impairment (sight and hearing). They promote and encourage clients to remain as independent as possible with their impairments. FSS depend on volunteers to support the services they provide. Trustee role: FSS are interested in hearing from anyone interested in support their activities. Chat FOREST OF DEAN CHILDREN’S OPPORTUNITY CENTRE The Forest of Dean Children’s Opportunity Centre was set up as a registered charity in 1982. The aim of the centre is for all children regardless of any special need or disability to play and learn alongside each other in a safe and stimulating environment. The Centre provides an informal meeting place for parents and those professionals involved in the care of the children who have diverse and complex special needs. Trustee role: The centre is looking to recruit up to two new trustees following recent retirements and a review of skills needed on the board. They are particularly looking for an individual with accounting skills to take on the role of treasurer, someone with legal expertise, ideally but not essentially in the field of charity law, and someone with broad general business experience. They would also welcome new parent trustees. Chat ​ or 01594 544174 CANDI Established in 1995 to improve conditions of life in Cinderford and the surrounding area, CANDI has particularly been committed to increasing the opportunities, to raising their aspirations and providing drop-ins for young people aged 11 to 17 in Cinderford and Drybrook. CANDI is now extending the scope of its work to reach out to community groups of all ages, setting up its own groups and working in partnership with other charities in the Forest of Dean. Trustee role: CANDI is seeking trustees generally but also with specialist skills in the following areas: IT, legal, publicity, HR, fundraising, premises management Chat Company Secretary - **NEW CHARITY**MINDFULVISION MindfulVision offers employment opportunities and training for Blind, Severely Sight Impaired (SSI), Visually Impaired (VI) and disabled people. ​ Trustee role: this new charity is looking for people who can help create a more inclusive society where blind and disabled people can participate fully and equally in the workforce. Chat

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