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  • About FVAF | Mysite

    Oor FVAF Oor FVAF Ons storie Ons is die Vrywillige Diensraad en Vrywilligersentrum vir die Bos van Dekaan. Ons bied hulp aan baie van die honderde vrywillige en gemeenskapsorganisasies in die Distrik wat op hul beurt beter in staat is om hul werk in en vir die plaaslike gemeenskap te lewer. ​ Sedert ons in 1994 gestig is, het ons 'n reputasie ontwikkel om gemeenskapsoptrede regdeur die Forest of Dean aan te moedig, te omhels en te versterk. Ons glo dat ons burgers deur gemeenskapsgeleide benaderings in staat stel om die vaardighede, veerkragtigheid en sosiale kapitaal te ontwikkel om gelukkiger, beter gekoppelde lewens te lei. Kantoordienste Personeel en Trustees Beleide Toeganklikheid en Volhoubaarheid

  • Walking with Wheels | Mysite

    Stap met wiele Gebruik een van die all-terrain mobiliteit bromponies om toegang te verkry tot die pragtige Bos roetes met jou familie en vriende, ongeag jou stap vermoë. Die Bos van Dean is 'n erkende sentrum vir stap en fietsry en word goed bedien deur roetes en ander toegang tot die oppervlak. Vir mense met fisieke gestremdheid, swak gesondheid, sensoriese gestremdheid of 'n ander inhiberende toestand kan daar egter 'n behoefte wees aan een of ander aangedrewe bystand, gespesialiseerde interpretasie of ander toepaslike media om hulle in staat te stel om die voordele te geniet wat ander as vanselfsprekend aanvaar. Hierdie Bosbouers se Bos Heritage Lottery Befondsde projek, werk saam met Plattelandsmobiliteit bied geleenthede vir meer mense om toegang tot die Forest of Dean te verkry. Walking with Wheels bied all-terrain mobiliteit bromponies (genoem Trampers) te huur van Forest Holidays by Christchurch, en die Speech House Hotel. Die Trampers is beskikbaar vir vooraf-gekarteerde roetes wat die uitsigte van Symonds Yat, die Biblins, die Cyril Hart Arboretum en Mallards Pike Lake inneem om net 'n paar te noem. ​ As jy meer wil leer oor Walking with Wheels, skakel asseblief 01594 822073 of kontak ons per e-pos . ​ Gereelde Vrae Wat is 'n 'Tramper'? Wie kan hierdie diens gebruik? Op watter roetes kan ek dit gebruik? Wanneer is dit beskikbaar om te huur? Hoe kan ek een bespreek? Hoeveel kos dit om 'n Tramper te huur? Wat as ek nog nooit een hiervan gebruik het nie? Wat as ek bykomende hulp nodig het? Hoekom moet ek 'n lid van Plattelandsmobiliteit word? Kan ek help met hierdie projek? Wat as ek 'n bespreking moet kanselleer? Frequently Asked Questions

  • HAF Fun | Mysite

    Summer Holiday Activities & Food We’ve teamed up with Gloucestershire Cou nty Counci l and arranged a packed timetable of FREE fun! ​ The HAF programme is open to all school aged children, who live in the Forest of Dean, and who qualify for free school meals. ​ If funding allows, s ometimes activities are extended and offered to all children and young people across Gloucestershire through the Holiday Activities Programme (HAP). ​ There's something for eve ryone - we've got sports clubs, cooking, crafts, play sessions an d so much more... You need to be registered to book | All sessions mus t be pre bo oke d REGISTER HERE For information or support with the HAF Spring programme contact: or ring the HAF helpline on 01452 427960. BOOKING NOW OPEN! CHECK OUT THE TIMETABLE **PLEASE NOTE: You can only book 4 activities at a time - please wait 24 hours before you book again** For more information visit the Gloucestershire County Council website here

  • Forest Youth Association | Mysite

    Bos Jeugvereniging Forest of Dean Jeugvereniging is hier om hulp en ondersteuning aan jongmense en jeugklubs, groepe of organisasies te bied. ​ Maak nuwe vriende Raak betrokke by jou gemeenskap Streef 'n belangstelling na Probeer iets nuuts Leer nuwe vaardighede Vrywilliger Maak 'n beter wêreld ​ Vrywilligerswerk Daar is baie vrywilligersgeleenthede vir beide jongmense en volwassenes. As jy 'n jong persoon is wat vrywillige werk soek om in jou vrye tyd te doen, om meer vaardighede op te doen of as deel van jou DofE-program, bel ons asseblief of besoek ​ Net so, as jy 'n volwassene is wat vaardighede en kennis het of jy 'n jeugorganisasie binne die Forest of Dean wil ondersteun, kontak asseblief, want daar is baie organisasies wat jou ondersteuning sal waardeer. ​ Geaffilieerde lidmaatskap vir jou klub / organisasie Wanneer jy by Forest of Dean Youth Association geaffilieer is, sal jy geregtig wees op ons volle reeks dienste, wat advies en ondersteuning bied in alle aspekte van die bestuur van 'n organisasie soos joune. Ons hou ook 'n kalender van aktiwiteite waaraan u vrywilligers en jongmense teen 'n nominale koste kan deelneem. Vir volledige besonderhede van die voordele of om jou klub te registreer, klik op die volgende skakels Jeugvereniging-lidmaatskapvoordele vir klubs Jeugvereniging-lidmaatskapvorm vir klubs ​ Kontakbesonderhede vir meer inligting As jy meer wil weet oor enige van ons projekte of geleenthede of hoe om betrokke te raak, kontak asseblief ons Jeugvereniging Ontwikkelingsbeampte, Alethea Bumpstead op For More Information If you would like to know about any of our projects or events or how to get involved, please get in touch with us at hi.ya Finansiële ondersteuning Forest of Dean Youth Association ontvang met trots finansiële ondersteuning van Cinderford en Coleford Town Councils. As jou gemeente of dorpsraad meer wil weet oor Forest of Dean Jeugvereniging of hoe jy ons kan ondersteun, kontak asseblief deur e-pos

  • Home | Mysite

    HAF is back!! FREE summer fun - book now READ MORE Frequently visited pages: COMMUNITY HUBS VOLUNTEER ADVICE FOREST YOUTH ASSOCIATION Wat is FVAF? FVAF staan vir Forest Voluntary Action Forum. Ons bied ondersteuning aan plaaslike burgers, gemeenskapsgroepe en aktiwiteite om die dinge te doen wat vir hulle die meeste saak maak. Dit sluit die volgende in: ​ ondersteuning en ontwikkelingsadvies opleiding inligting netwerkvergaderings verteenwoordiging te fasiliteer vrywillige werwing vrywilliger plasing en ondersteuning ​ Ons bedryf ook baie projekte saam met en vir die plaaslike gemeenskap, soos die Forest of Dean Jeugvereniging, Vakansie-aktiwiteitsveldtogte, The Forest Youth Music Network, The GEM Project, The Forest Compass Directory, Walking with Wheels en vele meer. Kyk na ons Projekte-bladsy vir volledige besonderhede. ​ "Bou sterker gemeenskappe in die Bos van Dean" Vind meer uit JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Get the latest community news and check out exciting volunteering opportunity in or around the Forest of Dean... Gaan na Facebook Useful publications: FREE directory of the many volunteering opportunities available locally... DOWNLOAD Ons Vennote We work with so many amazing and supportive partners. Find out more here... How to contact us Forest Voluntary Action Forum Ow Bist Forest Community Space Dockham Road Cinderford , Glos. GL14 2AN Email us: Tel: 01594 822073 Copyright © 2021 Forest Voluntary Action Forum. All Rights Reserved. Forest Voluntary Action Forum is a charity (1141126) and company limited by guarantee (07557852) registered in England and Wales. The registered address is The Belle Vue Centre, Cinderford, Glos, GL14 2AB. Forest Voluntary Action Forum proudly receives financial support from the Forest of Dean District Council .

  • Who we are | Mysite

    Oor FVAF Oor FVAF Ons storie Ons is die Vrywillige Diensraad en Vrywilligersentrum vir die Bos van Dekaan. Ons bied hulp aan baie van die honderde vrywillige en gemeenskapsorganisasies in die Distrik wat op hul beurt beter in staat is om hul werk in en vir die plaaslike gemeenskap te lewer. ​ Sedert ons in 1994 gestig is, het ons 'n reputasie ontwikkel om gemeenskapsoptrede regdeur die Forest of Dean aan te moedig, te omhels en te versterk. Ons glo dat ons burgers deur gemeenskapsgeleide benaderings in staat stel om die vaardighede, veerkragtigheid en sosiale kapitaal te ontwikkel om gelukkiger, beter gekoppelde lewens te lei. Kantoordienste Personeel en Trustees Beleide Toeganklikheid en Volhoubaarheid

  • Living for Less | Mysite

    Get top tips to ‘Live for Less’ at community drop-in event! 2pm - 5pm Wednesday 22 March| Lydney Town Hall GL15 5DY Come along to our FREE drop-in event for top tips and advice to help you with the rising cost of living. ​ From 2pm to 5pm you will get the chance to visit over 25 information stalls and speak face-to-face with experts who can offer help with food support, reducing bills, energy saving, searching for a job and benefits and money advice. PLUS we’ve got some fantastic interactive demos featuring cooking with Dean Forest Kitchen, grow your own tips from Adult Education Gloucestershire and upcycling skills with Newent Upcycling. In addition, AEG will also be giving a taste of the other sessions that they offer . Chris Brown, our CEO at said “With the cost of living constantly on the rise we are seeing first-hand the strain and impact this is having on the day-to-day lives of local people. This drop-in event will offer tips and advice and help everyone discover sustainable ways to cut their bills and save money.” ‘Living for Less’ is a free community drop-in event with a wide range of organisations signed up to attend including Forest of Dean District Council, Citizens Advice Bureau, Severn Wye Energy Agency, DWP, Homestart, Wlydwood, Two Rivers Housing and many other local community and support groups. Full list of organisations attending: Forest of Dean District Council - community, health, benefits and housing teams SevernWye Energy Agency Citizens Advice Bureau Department For Work and Pensions – Benefits and employment team Newent Upcycling Dean Forest Kitchen Friends of Forest Waterways Christians Against Poverty Wyldwood Crossroads Care Gloucestershire Carers Healthwatch Gloucestershire Adult Education Gloucestershire FRED – Forest Read Easy Deal Charlie's in the Forest Lydney Hub Gloucestershire Community Rail Two Rivers Housing Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Mothers in Mind/Homestart Lydney Exchange Gloucestershire Nightstop Great Oaks Hospice Managing Memory GOPA - Gloucestershire Older Persons' Association Dementia Action Alliance - DDA CCP – Caring for Communities and People For more information contact or 01594 822073.

  • Voluntary & Community Support | Mysite

    Vrywilligerswerk As die vrywilligersentrum vir die Forest of Dean is ons hier om jou te help om vrywilligers te werf en te bestuur Ons nuwe vrywilligerswerk boekie gevul met besonderhede van plaaslike vrywilligerswerk geleenthede is nou uit KLIK OM AF TE LAAI Of gaan haal 'n kopie by jou plaaslike biblioteek of gemeenskapsentrum As die vrywilligersentrum vir die Bos van Dean ons is dikwels die eerste kontakpunt vir enigiemand wat in vrywilligerswerk belangstel. Verlede jaar was ons trots om meer as 100 000 uur se vrywilligerswerk in die area te ondersteun! ​ FVAF bevorder en adverteer 'n wye reeks vrywilligersgeleenthede van organisasies wat ons etos deel om vrywilligers te ondersteun en die wye verskeidenheid redes erken waarom mense kies om vrywilligers te doen. ​ Hoekom vrywilliger wees? Vrywilligerswerk hou 'n aantal groot voordele in, nie net vir jou individueel nie, maar vir jou gemeenskap en die wêreld waarin ons leef. As jy jou CV wil verbeter, nuwe mense wil ontmoet, jou vaardighede goed wil gebruik, iets nuuts wil leer, 'n belangstelling wil najaag, ervaring aanbied of bloot 'n verskil wil maak, is ons gewaarborg om 'n geleentheid vir jou te hê! ​ Jy kan op die volgende maniere uitvind oor hierdie geleenthede: Soek geleenthede by Bel ons by 01594 822073 Kontak via e-pos Kom besoek ons by FVAF Ma - Vr 9:00 - 1:00 ( Aanwysings ) ​ As jy op soek is na vrywilligers as deel van 'n groot groep, byvoorbeeld as deel van korporatiewe vrywilligerswerk, dan het ons ook 'n wye verskeidenheid geleenthede om van te kies. Get the latest volunteer opportunities - direct to your mailbox! Sign up to receive our regular email Volunteer Newsletter: SIGN UP HELP FOR GROUPS - recruiting & managing volunteers As a one-stop-shop for all things volunteering, we can help you find, and keep, the perfect volunteer: As 'n eenstopwinkel vir alles wat vrywilligers doen, gebruik ons 'n veelsydige metodologie om jou die beste moontlike kans te gee om waardevolle vrywilligers te werf en te behou. Dit sluit die volgende in: Adverteer jou geleenthede op Bevordering van jou geleenthede aan lede van die publiek wat na ons verwys is of via ons inloerfunksie. Adverteer jou geleenthede op ons Facebook- en Twitter-bladsye Bevorder jou geleenthede aan plaaslike dienste wat vrywilligerswerk ondersteun, bv. Job Centre, LearnDirect en 2GetherTrust Adverteer jou geleenthede by meer as 30 geleenthede per jaar Stuur jou geleenthede aan plaaslike besighede wat werkgewerondersteunde vrywilligerswerk aanbied Bevordering van relevante geleenthede aan skole, kolleges en universiteite Verspreiding van jou geleenthede na ons vrywilligersdatabasis van meer as 1 000 mense Bevorder jou geleenthede na 'n verskeidenheid netwerke, insluitend Know Your Patch Get in touch - call us on 01594 822073, via email or visit us at FVAF, Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Dockham Road, Cinderford GL14 2AN (Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm)

  • VOTE - Volunteer of the Year 2023 | Mysite

    Volunteer of the Year 2023 T he People's Champion VOTING OPEN! Time to choose your champion... We recently asked you to nominate a local volunteer who has gone above and beyond for their community over the past 12 months, and/or has an inspiring story. ​ We had some cracking nominations, and it was an extremely hard task to narrow it down BUT after much deliberation, our panel of community experts have shortlisted 7 community heroes. Vote for your favourite by selecting ONE of the following volunteers: Chris Brain Melanie Getgood Jando Greco Edna Husbands Barbara Jenkins Albert Weager Dave Young VOTING CLOSES: 10PM SUNDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER VOTE Thanks for voting! Check out the profiles of the shortlisted nominees below: Chris Brain Chairman & Coach of Broadwell Youth Football Club For the past 15 years Chris has dedicated a huge amount of his time, energy and passion into grassroots sports. A constant supporter and instrumental in the ongoing success of Broadwell Football Club, Chris has served as the Chairman of the club and more recently 2 and half years as the First Team Manager. The pinnacle of his successful coaching term came last year when Chris led his side to Les James Cup victory. Going out on a high, Chris has just retired and deserves recognition for his dedication and commitment which has provided the opportunity for 100’s of children to play football and helped to create the thriving community football club Broadwell FC has become. Melanie Getgood Chairperson at Friends of Worcester Walk Melanie has been the inspirational driving force of Friends of Worcester Walk (FoWW). Her steadfast commitment to Worcester Walk has seen it develop into a unique richly diverse habitat in the Forest of Dean. Melainie goes the extra mile to share the experience of being in nature, through events with school groups, volunteers, and local people. With her generous inclusive way, she has built a solid and diverse group of volunteers for FoWW and ensures that everyone is welcome, and their work appreciated. Melanie’s community work doesn’t end there! She is also a co-opted member of the Environmental Committee of Coleford Town Council, helps run a local Morris Dancing group, has organised clean ups in the Coleford Cemetery, King George Playing Field and Bells Field. Melanie works tirelessly for community but is always friendly, approachable, kind and generous with her time and with everyone she meets. Jando Greco Volunteer helper at St Stephen's Church Cinderford Jando is a fantastic example of the impact volunteering can have for the community, and in growing as a person. For the past twelve years, Jando has supported St Stephen’s Church through his involvement with many projects, services, events and prayer groups. Jando is often found setting up and tidying after events or keeping the church tidy midweek between services. He helps with the Fairtrade Stall and Fairtrade Friday coffee afternoons, and is a leader at Messy Church. Usually the first to put his hand up to help, like many volunteers, much of what Jando does is 'behind the scenes' and unseen. But that doesn't bother him at all, he just loves volunteering his time, feeling part of a community and growing his skills as well as sharing his talents with others. His nominator said that: “We so appreciate him, he is such a thoughtful, caring person and will do anything for anyone – Jando is so worthy of receiving this award and would love for him to be recognised for his service!” Edna Husbands Lydcare Community Transport Co-ordinator at Lydcare An essential member of the team, Edna is responsible for organising Lydcare Community Transport Service. A complex and demanding role, on average Edna deals with over 120 calls from people who request transport and with drivers to arrange journeys. Edna's role requires a massive commitment both in time and energy and requires a high degree of patience and diplomacy dealing with last minute medical appointments, cancellations and reschedules. Thanks to her tireless work over 4,000 journeys are completed every year, helping over 2,700 people get to hospital, medical appointments and social events which due the lack of public transport would be impossible. Lydcare was the only community transport service running through the pandemic and this was down to Edna's determination and commitment to ensure patients, particularly those who usually received home visits, were able to get to important medical appointments. Edna also works as a voluntary driver and is an outstanding volunteer working for the benefit of those in need within the community. Barbara Jenkins Organiser of the ‘Over Sixties Group’ Berryhill Memorial Institute AKA ‘The Hut’ It would be hard to find a volunteer in the Forest with a longer commitment to volunteering in the community than Barbara! For over 50 years, Barbara has been the lead organiser of the ‘Over Sixties Group’ at the ‘The Hut’ Berryhill Memorial Institute. This popular group has been providing social activities to help combat isolation for the older community for decades. Collecting community memories for a recent memory capsule, created as part of The Hut’s centenary celebrations, revealed that Barbara had been quietly managing this group since 1971. But Barbara’s involvement with The Hut goes even further back to her childhood when her father was resident caretaker, and her mother was involved in organising activities. A wonderful and unique example of generations getting involved with the community to make it a better place, Barbara is an inspiration to us all and shows no sign of slowing down. Albert Weager Community representative & advocate for better healthcare in FoD A more committed and dedicated community representative than Albert would be hard to find! For over a decade Albert has tirelessly advocated for better health provision in the Forest of Dean. With an incredibly long service on the FoD Health Forum, in 2014 he was appointed chair and has been instrumental in ensuring that everyone is listened to and given the opportunity to ask questions. At a county level, Albert chairs the People and Communities Reference Group for Urgent and Emergency Care and is the community representative on the Urgent and Emergency Care, Patient Flow Clinical Programme Group. Not stopping there, Albert is also represents local people on the Ageing Well Care Programme Board and has been the patient representative on the Blood Transfusion Committee for over ten years. Everything Albert does is as a volunteer and we must congratulate him on his drive and passion. Dave Young Volunteer driver, cook, outreach at Forest Sensory Services & Samaritans Over the past 2 years Dave has dedicated more and more of his time volunteering and going above and beyond to support other people. Starting as a volunteer driver for Forest Sensory Services (FFS), Dave now volunteers with FSS 3 times a week and even dons his chef hat and cooks up a delicious feast, twice a month, for the service’s clients. A fantastic supporter of all the work that FSS does, Dave plays an active role in outreach sessions to make visually impaired people aware of the support services offered and he also helps with fundraising. Along with his face-to-face volunteering, Dave volunteers with the Samaritans answering the phone a couple of times a week offering emotional support . Plus promoting Samaritans with outreach in the community. His nominator said: “Dave is an inspiring person and an amazing volunteer who does so much for other people.” Find our more about the Forest Volunteers Awards here:

  • Foresters' Forest | Mysite

    Bosbouers se Bos Vrywillig by Foresters' Forest Besoek die Foresters' Forest Webwerf Teken in vir die Foresters' Forest-nuusbrief Ons is 'n Nasionale Lotery Erfenisfonds Landskapvennootskapprogram, gevorm uit 'n vereniging van vennootorganisasies en plaaslike gemeenskapsgroepe binne die Forest of Dean. Ons doel is om bewustheid en deelname aan die geboude, natuurlike en kulturele erfenis te verhoog wat ons Bos spesiaal maak. ​ Daar is baie dinge om te sien, te doen, te verken en by betrokke te raak, so ons hoop jy sal by ons kom aansluit by 'n reeks aktiwiteite, vrywilligersgeleenthede en geleenthede. Vir verdere inligting besoek asseblief ons toegewyde webwerf . ​ Maar in 'n neutedop is die Bosbouers se Bos-program gebaseer op vyf temas: Ons Vesting vir die Natuur, Verken ons Bos, Onthul ons verlede, Vier ons Bos, Beveilig ons toekoms. Elkeen van hierdie temas het 'n reeks projekte wat ons erfenis ontbloot, deel en vier. Daar is baie geleenthede vir jou om betrokke te raak om te leer oor en ons spesiale woud te beskerm, so ons hoop jy sal by ons kom aansluit! Ontmoet 'n paar van ons vrywilligers Gevallestudie David Chaloner David doen vrywilligers by The Foresters' Forest Conservation Grazing-projek, gelei deur Gloucestershire... Lees meer Gevallestudie Gwynneth Weaver Ek het 'n paar fantastiese ervarings met die Foresters' Forest Archaeology Project gehad. Die grawe het... Lees meer Gevallestudie Keith Walker Neem deel aan die klein vrywillige span wat getaak is om Scarr Bandstand te red en 'n platform te bied vir... Lees meer

  • Gloucestershire Inclusive Employer Award | Mysite

    IT’S OFFICIAL! We’re an inclusive employer We are super delighted to announce that we have been awarded a Gloucestershire Inclusive Employer Award! At a special event held at Stroud Brewery on Monday 17 October, we were presented with an award in recognition of our commitment to inclusive recruitment and the support we gave to three young people, with hidden disabilities, on the Kickstart Scheme. Two of the young people now work at FVAF and the third has successfully gained employment elsewhere. Team members told us they are more confident to talk about their own needs as well as support others; and it has given us greater confidence to encourage others to seek the benefits of diversity and inclusion in their own organisations. Cathy Griffiths, FVAF’S GEM Project Navigator, who accepted the award said: “Creating inclusive work practices is a long-term journey. So we are delighted to have got this award and our commitment to inclusivity will be shaping key actions now and for the year ahead.” The Gloucestershire Inclusive Employer awards, hosted by Inclusivity Works , were launched by the GEM Project. The scheme recognises employers who are committed to building an inclusive culture where diverse groups of people can come to work, feeling valued and confident to be themselves.

  • Community Hubs | Mysite

    Gemeenskapbouers se inloop-hubs The drop-in hub provides support to create, inspire and build stronger communities together Die inloop-spilpunt bied ondersteuning om saam sterker gemeenskappe te skep, te inspireer en te bou ​ Elke inloer-spilpunt bied 'n verskeidenheid ondersteuning, advies en leiding vir plaaslike inwoners. Byvoorbeeld; ondersteuning en plasing van tekens aan plaaslike dienste, skakel en nuwe opstel gemeenskapsgroepe, wat mense ondersteun om nader aan werk of verdere onderwys te kom, help om toegang tot die digitale wêreld te kry en ondersteuning om jou idees vir die gemeenskap tot lewe te bring. Ons kan hulp bied met: ​ Vrywilligerswerk geleenthede Ondersteuning vir indiensneming Plaaslike aktiwiteitsgroepe en klubs IT en digitale ondersteuning Plaaslike gebeurtenis inligting Teken plasing na plaaslike dienste For dates, times and locations for up coming FVAF Community Drop-in Hubs, contact Alex on or call the FVAF office on 01594 822073.

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